Your New Big Brother

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Nagitos pov

"wheres the baby? There he is!" I jumped out from behind the couch making kokichi giggled delightedly. Mama said that Kokichis just a small baby so I have to be very gentle with him so I make sure not to pick him up or do anything too rough. I wouldn't want to hurt my sweet baby brother after all.

My favourite maid saw what I was doing and smiled "wow your a really good big brother. You know that my little cloud?" she petted my fluffy white hair.

"you really think so?" I asked.

"of course" she smiled at me "would you like me to take you and kokichi to the park?"

"yes please!" I jumped around excitedly.

My maid giggled "alright then let's go!"

*time skip*

We arrived at the park. I held my maids hand while she pushed kokichi in a pram. Kokichi cooed excitedly at the birds flying around him.

"I think kokichi likes the park" I said.

"yes I think so too" she smiled at me "now why don't you go play my little cloud"

"what about kokichi? Can he play?" I asked.

"he's not old enough baby" she gently explained "I'll take good care of kokichi. You go have fun"

"ok" I nodded and ran over to the swings.

I had a fun time at the part. Every once in a while I'd look back and see the maid bouncing a happy looking kokichi on her knees. I smiled. She really was like our second mommy.

Once it was time to go home she bought us mint chocolate chip ice-cream (my favourite!) and we happily walked home.

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