Future Fondation

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Kokichis pov

I sat in the helicopter with komaru and toko next to me. Kaito said that some future Fondation members wanted to speak to us. I wonder what they want to talk about?

The helicopter landed and waiting outside was a short guy with a hougi and a violet haired woman. Both of them were wearing matching suits.

"big brother!" komaru jumped out of the helicopter and hugged the shorter guy.

"hey komaru it's good to see you again" he said hugging her back with tears in his eyes.

"yep d-don't bother welcoming m-me or m-master back" toko muttered bitterly.

"sorry about that toko, Byakuya welcome back" he chuckled.

"yes wonderful to be back" Byakuya sighed.

The violet haired women's gaze turned to me "you must be one of the survivors yet I don't regonise you"

"it's cool Miss kirigiri he's a good friend of mine" kaito insisted.

"Well we can get to know him over some tea!" the short guy insisted "come with me kiddos"

We walked down a long hallway together. The short guy looked back at us with a smile.

"oh we should probably introduce ourselves huh? Well I'm mokoto neagi and this is kyoko kirigiri"

"pleasure to meet your aquntaince" kyoko said stiffly.

"I'm kokichi Komaeda nice to meet you" I grinned

The two of them froze. Kyoko turned to us with a serious expression.

"you wouldn't happen to be related to nagito Komaeda would you?"

"yeah he's my brother" I replied.

The two of them exchanged worried glances.

"alright come with us"

*time skip*

They led us to an empty room with serious looks on their faces. Am I in trouble for being associated with them? I felt scared. Kaito stepped in and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"you should both know that I also have a brother who's part of the remnant of Dispair" he muttered nervously "I lied about my last name. Its not mamota its souda. So if you're going to punish kokichi then you have to punish me too!" my eyes widened. I can't believe he's doing this for me?

"whoe whoe take it easy. No ones in trouble" mokoto said reassuringly "just please take a seat you two" We looked at each other, nodded and sat opposite them.

"you probably want to know what happened your siblings and what made them the way they are now" kyoko muttered.

"your damn right we do!" kaito yelled.

"Well your siblings were part of the remnits of Dispair. It's a group that's only objective is to spread as much dispair as possible" mokoto explained.

"but how the hell did they become this way?" I asked.

"that was thanks to a woman named junko enoshima" mokoto continued "she brainwashed your siblings along with the rest of their classmates all in the name of Dispair"

"that bitch!" kaito yelled "I'm going to kill her!"

"I'm afraid your a little late for that" kyoko muttered "we took her down and now the remnits of Dispair are trying to bring Dispair in her name"

"what do you plan to do to them. Don't tell me you plan to exterminate them!" I looked at them desperately. I really wanted my dear brother back.

Mokoto looked at me guiltily before flashing me a reassuring smile "don't worry kids future Fondation will make them better again"

"mokoto don't lie to them" kyoko said sharply.

"I'm not lying!" he stood up "kyoko look at them. These kids just want their siblings back. The Remnits Of Dispair probably all have family who just want to see their family members. I can't ignore that!"

"and what do you plan to do? Do you have any idea how to rebuilitate the remnits of Dispair?"

"Well no but I'll definitely find a way!" he looked at us determinedly. It made me feel like I could trust him.

Maybe nagito really will be already.

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