Talking To My Bro Part 2

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Kazuichis pov

I knocked nervously on kaitos bedroom door. I had to talk to him about he and Kokichis odd behaviour.

"come in" I heard him mutter before I walked in.

He was sitting on his bed boncing a ball against the wall with a blank expression. This was so unlike my energetic younger brother.

I took a deep breath "kaito can you please tell me what happened between you and kaito?"

"I'll tell you you want happened. He's a big jerk!" he growled.

"mind explaining bud?" I asked gently.

He sighed again "ok I'll tell you everything..."

*time skip*

"I see" I nodded, taking it all in. I gotta admit the whole things shocking. I feel terrible that my little brother had to witness that.

"do you understand now!" he stood up angrily "he's a monster and I refuse to forgive him!"

"Well what did you want him to do? Just wait until he blew up? Would that have been better?" I folded my arms.

"what n-no!" his eyes widened "I just-"

"listen to me kaito" I said firmly "you were both put in a difficult and stressful situation and thanks to that situation kokichi was forced to make an impossible decision. How about instead of being angry at kokichi focus that anger on the person who put you in that situation"

With that I left him alone with his thoughts. I know he'll come to the right decision.

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