Talking To Kazuichi

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Nagitos pov

"kokichi where are you taking me?" I asked as he dragged me down the hallway.

"I've had enough of your weird behaviour" kokichi yelled "your going to go and apologise to kazuichi"

My eyes widened "I can't do that!"

"you can and you will!" kokichi demanded "kazuichi has problems. He's had savere trust issues since he was a kid and what you did completely broke him. He hasn't been able to make friends since"

I stayed silent. I had no idea I hurt him like that.

"nagito" kokichi looked up at me with those sad eyes "your a good person. I know you're not trying to hurt kazuichi so will you please go talk to him"

I sighed "ok"

We walked into the classroom where kazuichi usually sit. Kokichi gave me the thumbs up as I took a seat next to him.

He glared at me and tried to walk away.

"wait!" I grabbed his hand "can we please talk"

"why do you suddenly want to talk?" he raised an eyebrow.

"cause I hate seeing you like this" I yelled "your important to me and I'm so sorry I made you feel any different"

Kazzy sighed "are you ready to tell me why you abandoned me?"

I nodded shakingly.

*time skip*

"so you see I was trying to protect you from my bad luck"I gripped my knees nervously as I told my story.

Kazuichi looked at me in disbelief "why didn't you tell me that?"

"I was afraid" I muttered nervously "I was afraid that you would hate me once you found out about my luck but that happened anyway"

"dude" kazuichi took me by the shoulder "I would never hate you for something you can't control. I never blamed you for what happened"

"really" I muttered in disbelief.

"yeah rea-ahhh"

I cut him off with a hug "I'm so happy right now" I said with tears in my eyes.

"yeah ok there's no need to hug me you dork" kazzy said turning red.

I giggled happily. Things are finally becoming more hopeful.

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