Hopes Peak

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Kokichis pov

I looked up at the huge building with a smile. Hopes peak. I'm finally here! Now I can work hard and become successful. That will make big brother proud.

I looked over at nagito "hey big brother. Can you show me around hopes peak" I asked timidity "you know so I don't get lost"

"afraid not kokichi. Its best I stay away" nagito said firmly.

"ok" I sighed. I wish I could understand him.

He bent down and petted my head "don't worry kokichi. I'm confident that you'll be just fine"

"ok" I smiled nervously. If nagito said I'll be ok then I'm sure I'll be fine!

*time skip*

I walked into the classroom. It was filled with strange faces. My social anxiety started to kick in as I waved nervously.

Oh god this is alot harder than I thought. I don't think I've ever been around this many people in my life! Ok kokichi just breath. You can through this you just gotta-

"kokichi!" I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I freaked out at first until I realised who those arms belong to.

"kaito!" I turned around and hugged my childhood friend "dude it's been too long. You've gotten huge!"

"and you've stayed around the same size" kaito chuckled.

"hey!" I pouted.

We laughed and took a seat together.

"it's been way too long kichi. I haven't been able to see you ever since that jerk of a brother of yours hurt kazzy"

"hey nagitos not a jerk. He just has.. problems" I argued.

"well kazzy has problems too. He's had savere trust issues since he was a kid and what nagito did completely broke him. He hasn't been able to make friends since" kaito grumbled.

I sighed "let's not fight about this. Just cause our brothers are no longer friends doesn't mean we can't be"

"good point" kaito smiled "bring it here sidekick!"

I smiled as kaito pulled me into a hug. Maybe this whole hopes peak thing will work out.

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