Taking Out The Mastermind

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Komarus pov

We flew over to the children's base in big bang Monokuma. I folded my arms as I glared at them. I was still pissed that they kidnapped me like that.

The girl with the microphone (who I learned was named komaru) smiled nervously at me "come on sweetie let's stop huffing. We have an important mission to focus on"

"don't talk down to me bitch" I growled.

"hey d-don't talk to her l-like that" she scolded me.

"it ok toko" komaru smiled gently "kokichi I know you're upset cause we took you from your big brother but we only did it cause we were worried for you. That man isn't mentally same-"

"I know that! Do you think I'm stupid!" I yelled making komaru jump "but he's my big brother and he's kept a big smile on his face through all the pain for my sake" angry tears rolled down my face "I have to stay by his side. Its the only thing I can do for him!"

"oh sweetie" komarus eyes filled up with tears as she pulled me into a hug. I cried in her arms all the way throughout the ride.

We crashed into the children's base and gasped at what we saw.

"your standing!?" komaru yelped.

"oh look at that I am!" Monika giggled.

I looked around for my brother but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's nagito?" I asked

"oh you mean mister servent? He left" Monika shrugged. Nagito just left? "anyway you want this controller right? Here you go!" she threw komaru the controller "if you break it then the Monokumas will shut down!"

"then why would you give it to us!" I said suspiciously

"because not only will the Monokumas shut down the children's heads will also explode! And monika want to do that to start a war!"

"that's sick" toko said turning pale.

"I want to start a war that will bring worldwide dispare! Then big sis junko will be very happy! Now break the controller Komaru!"

"no! There's no way I'd do that!" komaru said in shock.

"then maybe you need some encouraging" two kids came in with a large TV. The TV lit up showing the battered body of a man and a woman.

"mom? Dad?" komaru sobbed. I saw  something dark in her eyes. "fine! You want me to break this stupid controller I'll break it!"

"wait komaru you can't do this" toko yelled wrapping her arms around me "your kinder and smarter then this. You don't want to do this"

Komaru started shaking with tears in her eyes "your right. I don't want to hurt anyone" she dropped the remote and ran into tokos arms sobbing.

"what! hey no fair! Your not allowed to defy me!" Monika yelled "Hey kotoko bring the hostage out!"

No one came to her aid.

"guys?" monikas voice became a frightened sqeck.

"you don't have a-anyone to b-back you up anymore. Now give me m-masters key before I h-hurt you" toko growled.

Before she could do anything though a large chunk of the celling fell down on her. Dust filled the room. Is she dead?

"it's good to see you again" I turned around to see...

"kaito!" I jumped up and hugged him. My best friend really is here.

"thank god your alive kichi. I was worried sick" kaito sighed "I can't believe that phyco nagito took you with him. At least my brother had the decency to run away when he went all remnant of Dispair on us"

I looked down sadly. I wish people wouldn't talk so poorly about nagito but at the same time I know what their saying is true.

"anyway I managed to get into future Fondation. Pretty cool huh?" he grinned "we can get you in too. Just come with us" before I could answer he picked me up and ran to the helicopter.

I guess I'm meeting Future Fondation.

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