Walking The Streets

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Nagitos pov

I walked down the streets with alot on my mind. The only survivors of the crash were me and kokichi. We both became orphans that day. Burying our parents was the hardest thing I've ever done but we gotta keep hope. That's all we have now.

"hey nagito!" kazuichi ran up to me and took my hand. He's been really kind to me ever since my parents died. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

"hey kazzy" I waved happily with a big smile.

"are you crossing the street?" he asked.

I nodded.

"you shouldn't cross the street on your own" he scolded "here take my hand and we'll cross together"

"ok" I nodded and took his hand. We walked across the street together. It felt safe somehow and his hand felt warm. Things really do seem to be getting bet-


Not of nowhere a truck came down and hit kazuichi! I somehow remained unscathed. I stared at kazuichis unconscious body in horror.

"kazzy no!

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