Talking With My Bro Part 1

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Nagitos pov

I knocked nervously on Kokichis bedroom door. I had to talk to him about he and kaitos odd behaviour..

"come in" I heard him mutter before I walked in.

Kokichi was laying in bed hugging his pillow with tears in his eyes. Now I'm worried.

"kokichi can you please tell me what happened between you and kaito?"

Kokichi sighed "I did something terrible and he won't ever forgive me for it"

"hmm can you explain what terrible thing you done?" I asked.

He sighed again "ok I'll tell you everything..."

*time skip*

"I see" I nodded understandingly "it's sound like you where in a difficult situation. Have you explained this to kaito?"

He shook his head with tears in his eyes.

"oh kichi" I pulled him into a hug "you can't bottle up these feelings. It doesn't end up well for anyone. I learned that the hard way"

"big brother" he clutched his chest "it hurts. This pain is unlike anything I've ever felt before. It felt like my world fell apart when he stopped talking to me. Why?" tears streamed down his cheek "why dose it hurt so much!"

I had no answer for him. I could only stare in disbelief.

Has my little brother fallen in love with his best friend?

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