Nagitos Death

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Kokichis pov

I walked into the neo room hoping to see my brother. Instead all I heard was a flat line.

"nagito!" I ran over to my brothers body. He looked  paler then usual. Is he dead?

"it's ok kokichi" mokoto said gently "he's not dead he's just died in the game"

"died in the game?" I said in disbelief.

"yeah. It's going to be harder to wake her up now" he sighed.

"you son of a bitch!" I grabbed him by the collar of his jacket "you told me it was safe! That's why I trusted my brother in your care. Now your telling me that he's dieing!" I couldn't handle my emotions anymore. I'm so sick of everything going wrong!

"this wasn't supposed to happen" mokoto protested "the vertual world was supposed to be 100% safe. We even had a teacher and a future Fondation worker to see things go smoothly but something just went... Wrong" he looked away "all we can do now is wait until we can gain access to the vertual world"

For a split second I felt like hitting him. All this pain and loss was just too much for me "goddammit!" I yelled as I threw him to the ground and marched off angrily.

I ran to my brothers lifeless body. I took her hand shakingly with tears in my eyes.

"please don't leave me big brother" I whimpered as mokoto looked at me with pity "I can't lose anyone else!"

I cried into his chest as I felt my world shatter around me.

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