My Bad Luck

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Kokichis pov

I was walking home with my big brother when suddenly he tripped over a glass bottle and rolled down the hill.

"nagito!" I yelled as I chased after him. I tried to grab him  but I was too late and he banged into a purple haired girl.

"ahhhhh I'm sorry" she yelped.

"no its fine mikan. I'm the one who bump into you" nagito said reassuringly.

"ok as long as you're not hurt" she nodded before brushing herself off and walking away.

"ahh she's such a beautiful angel" I heard him mutter.

I grinned mischievously. Its time to get him back for teasing me and kaito!

"do you have a crush on her big brother" I said teasingly.

Nagitos face turned red "what of course not! Someone with such a hopeful talent as mikans shouldn't have to deal with someone as useless as me" he looked down sadly before giving me a bright smile "come on little brother. Let's get you home"

I pouted as he took my hand and walked me home. Oh I'm getting you that girl nagito. Just you watch!

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