Two Birds, One Time Stone

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The doom man turned around to see his twin barreling through the front door to his base, obvious excitement on his face.

"Woah, slow down. What's up?" X asked. Biffa, who was sitting on the couch, battling xB in Super Smash Bros, paused the match, and both he and xB looked over towards the front door. Once Alex had closed the door, he took off his mask, put it away, and approached his brother.

"I was right ." He announced.

"Right? About what?" X followed up.

"About Worm Man." Alex folded his arms proudly across his chest. He said nothing more and just stood there with a grin on his face. Biffa and xB shared a look of confusion.

"You're going to have to give me more than just that." Xisuma took off the oven mitts he had been wearing and set them on the kitchen island.

"I was right about Worm Man not being Zedaph." Alex seemed annoyed having to say it.

"Riiight. How so?" Xisuma decided to humour his twin.

"I was talking to Worm Man, but then we ran into Zedaph. And both confirmed that Zed wasn't Worm Man!" Alex's eyes glittered.

This actually gave Xisuma some worry. Of course Worm Man was Zedaph, but Alex refused to believe it. If he had seen Worm Man and Zed together, then something was up.

"Did something seem weird about the situation?" Biffa piped up.

Alex looked over at the ex-hermit and then glanced back at X out of the corner of his eye. "Uh...well, now that you mention it, kinda."

The oven dinged, prompting the Strider Man to put his oven mitts back on and open the door to take out the baked goods. As he did so, he continued the conversation. "Weird how?"

"Okay, so you know how we can kinda detect players versus NPCs?" Alex asked. Xisuma and Biffa nodded, but xB shrugged. He was the only non-Admin in the room. "Yeah, it was that. Worm Man seemed... off somehow. He was giving me some NPC vibes but not fully. Admittedly, I've never, uh, gotten that vibe from Worm Bro, but I did this time."

Xisuma set the hot tray down on the cool tiled kitchen island, closed the oven door, and removed his oven mitts, once again setting them down. "Okay, well that explains it."

Alex frowned. "Really?" He sounded skeptical.

"Yeah, if you've never seen Worm Man and Zedaph in the same place before, and now, the only time that you do, Worm Man is giving off a funky aura, then it makes it seem like today's Worm Man wasn't actually Zedaph." The youngest hermit decided to join into the discussion.

"Well. Until I'm proved wrong about this, I'm sticking to it." Alex decided stubbornly.

Just then, a knock on the door. Xisuma picked up his helmet from the counter and put it on as Alex went to see who it was. On the other side stood Zedaph.

"Lookie here. We were just talking about you." Alex said as he was face to face with the blonde man.

"Oh cool, I was just talking about me too." Zed said with a half-smile, obvious urgency in his eyes. "I needa talk to the boss man."

"Boss man? You mean X?" Alex rolled his eyes semi-sarcastically. Zed nodded.

"Alright." Alex stepped aside and let the scientist in, closing the door behind him.

Zedaph saw xB and Biffa on the couch and gave them both a very happy smile. It had been a while since Zed had seen Biffa. The b-boys gave him a wave back. Zed then walked up to Xisuma who was waiting at the kitchen island.

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