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Grian sat on the couch and sipped the tea. It was sweet with honey that Xisuma had farmed himself. His admin buddy made his way over to Grian and sat down on the cushion beside him.

"Are you doing alright?" X asked, blowing on his hot tea.

"I-...I'm doing better. Not great, but better."

Xisuma nodded. "I figured." He took a sip of the tea and smiled at the taste.

Grian took another sip and stared at the fire in the fireplace. It was still raining outside, and now it was pretty late at night.

The two sat there for a few minutes, saying nothing, and just drinking their tea.

Then Xisuma broke the silence.

"I think I know why this is happening."

Grian was caught off-guard. "W-what do you mean?" He looked over at X worriedly.

X set down his cup on a coaster and pointed at the long scar running down the side of Grian's right shoulder and arm.

"That's where the Thunderbird got you, right?" Xisuma knew he was right, but he still asked anyway.

"You were there." Grian sighed with a nod. "But yeah..."

"I don't know much about Thunderbirds, but it seems like you are developing the attributes of one. The wings, the size-changing...I could be certain about my theory if you developed lighting powers of some sort-" Xisuma stopped talking and leaned towards Grian.

"Have you gotten lightning powers?" He asked, examining Grian's scar.

Grian nervously scooted back a bit, and self-consciously shrunk down in his seat, literally.

"" He spoke in a high voice, looking up at the admin.

Xisuma sighed. "Hmm. Maybe we should test it."

Grian willed himself back to his normal size. "And how would we do that?"

X looked around the room. "I am not sure..."

There was a knock at the door, followed by the click of the door unlocking. Grian shrunk down again and hid, wondering why Xisuma wasn't rushing to put on his helmet like he did when Mumbo came over. Xisuma stayed sitting. In fact, he didn't even look over at the door to see who it was.

"Hey Alex." Xisuma said, sort of smiling.

Grian was confused. None of the hermits were named Alex.

He fluttered up the back of the couch and peeked over the edge to see who had arrived.

A tall man in red armour removed his helmet to reveal a face that was strikingly similar to Xisuma's.

The man had white hair that was pulled into a small ponytail, and he had an x-shaped scar that crossed at the bridge of his nose. His eyes were purple, but a more red-violet than Xisuma's. As the man approached, Grian could see that he also had purple freckles, and they were in the same position as X's.

It was Evil Xisuma. Evil X, or EX, for short was Xisuma's twin brother. Grian wasn't scared of him, per say, but he didn't want the Nether soldier to see him.

He dropped back down, still in his hummingbird state.

"Hey 'Suma" Ex set his helmet down next to his brother's cup of tea. "I came for food."

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