The Start of Something That Could Be Great

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Grian woke up.

    He was disoriented, since it didn't look like he was in his own room. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, stretching out his wings and looking around. He was sitting in an elevated bed with a white comforter. There were a number of chests in the room, and as he turned around to look at the wall, he saw a "Vote Scar for a Goodtime" poster. Grian was in Mumbo's room.

    But where was Mumbo? And what had happened last night?

    Every part of his body was sore.

    He shuddered at the pain as it reminded him of hiding his wings beneath his sweaters.

    Grian slowly lifted himself out of the bed and stepped off the ledge onto the ground.

    He paused. It smelled like someone was cooking, and he could hear someone singing. Grian exited the Architech's room and went down the hall to the source of the aroma and music.

    As the bird neared the kitchen, the singing became more clear.

    " There will come a poet, whose weapon is his word. He will slay you with his tongue, o lei, o lai, o lord-"

    Grian entered the room to find Mumbo at the stove, cooking and singing. His face was clean shaven, aside from his iconic stache, and he looked both tired and alert. He was wearing that apron that Iskall made for him. Mumbo stopped his serenade at the sight of his friend.

    "Good morning, Grian! How are you feeling?" The redstone man flipped the pancake he was making.

    "Sore." Grian sat at one of the tall chairs and set his head down in his arms on the breakfast bar's surface. "Hey, I woke up in your tiny bed. Where did you sleep?"

    Mumbo looked up at Grian. "Oh, I didn't."

    Grian frowned. "You've only gotten, like, a single night's rest in the last three days."

    "Last four days, and I'm not helping my case by saying that-" Mumbo realized.

    "Real question though. How did I get down there? Last thing I remember was me telling you my story." Grian rubbed his eyes.

    Mumbo paused.

    He doesn't remember the zapping or the bird thing...that's good. He thought

    "Well, you told me your story and then you sort of...cried yourself to sleep. You seemed really exhausted. Maybe it's because of the size changing?" The tall man bent the truth to protect his friend.

    Grian bought it.

    "Yeah, that's probably why..." The bird yawned and pointed at the stove. "The food's gonna burn."

    Mumbo looked back down at the pancake and quickly flipped it onto a plate with other pancakes. It was only a tiny bit burnt.

    "I made some for you too." Mr. Jumbo turned around to get plates out of the cupboard. He set them down and fixed up a plate for both him and Grian.

    "Oh sweet, thanks." Grian smiled and sat up. A sudden jolt of electricity shot through his body and whizzed past Mumbo's face.

    "Ah!" Mumbo jumped back, still holding the two plates. He regained his composure quickly.

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