Eternal Horizons

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When Grian woke up, it was dark. The lights inside the base were still off, and the only real sources of light were the soft glow of his wings and the glow of the moonlight through the ocean. He sat up shakily. The dream he had just had was already starting to fade, but the feelings it created stayed. He felt so utterly alone.

He had to get out.

A sudden burst of panic ran through him. He flung the blankets off of himself and jumped out of the bed. He ran towards the lift, scared to look behind him. It was similar to the feeling of turning off a light and running up the stairs. It's irrational to be afraid in that situation, but there's fear nonetheless.

He pressed the elevator button, and waited impatiently for the lift to lower itself down. The doors slid open and G ran inside. He pressed the up arrow multiple times as the doors closed. Slowly, the lift brought him up to the surface.

The doors opened out of the back of Grumbot, and Grian exited quickly. He frantically looked around for any sign of his family. The night wind was cold against his bare chest. He stepped out from behind Grumbot. No one was around.

Grian looked up at the giant robot. His screen was off.

He tried to call out to his son, but no words came out. The sound he made instead was a chirp. He slapped his hand over his mouth.

He tried again, but he was only able to make bird sounds. Grian let out a frightened warble and looked around in a panic. The lights in the shop were off.

Grian ran over to its door and peeked inside. The bed was empty, and no one was there. He stepped away from the door and raised his wings. He flew up into the air, flying towards his mansion. The bird landed on his roof and entered the base through the access port.

He needed something, anything , that could be of comfort to him. Grian went inside his room and threw open his closet. He was tempted to grab one of his sweaters, but even just looking at them caused him pain. He instead grabbed the picture frame that he had shoved in there the night before.

Grian looked through the closet a bit more. There were a lot of memories in there. An old school jacket, a gray sweater with yellow stars that had belonged to one of his friends, a blue ocarina with a yellow symbol on it. He picked up the ceramic instrument and sat down on his bed.

He whistled a familiar tune, fingering it on the ocarina before raising it to his mouth and playing. The lullaby was comforting. He still remembered the notes, and it was the same satisfaction as remembering the controls to a game you haven't played in years.

He felt better. The bird stood up, taking the frame and the instrument in his hands and exiting his bedroom. He went back to the access port and climbed up onto the roof. Sighing, Grian raised his wings and flew up into the air.

He needed to talk to his friend.

The feathered man turned away from Mumbo's base and flew in the direction of Xisuma's instead. He went past Iskall's mega tree, speeding up when he saw the Swede working on it. Grian was pretty sure he wasn't seen.

When he arrived at the admin's home, the lights were off.

That's weird , Grian thought. He landed in front of the entrance. After switching the frame to his other hand, he swiftly knocked on the door.

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