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Grian and Mumbo were sitting at the table in the small kitchen area of the base, having lunch. Mumbo was trying to explain how the robots worked.

"...And they're all connected." He finished his speech proudly. The man had been talking for a solid 5 minutes to Grian.

The bird looked up. "Huh? What were you saying? Sorry, I wasn't listening." He joked.

Mumbo gave him a deadpan expression and an eye roll.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I was listening!" Grian chuckled before shoving another bite of food into his mouth.

The redstone man was about to say something when Grum ran up to them.

"Hey, there's people outside!" He said, holding his hand, palm up. A holographic projection came from the repulsor in his palm. It showed the camera view from TVGrum's eyes. Standing on the platform was Bdubs and Scar. They seemed like they were waiting for Grian and Mumbo.

"You can let them down here." Mumbo smiled. Grum nodded.

Above the water, Scar and Bdubs stood in front of the giant robot. The bot had told them to hold on for a second.

After a moment, the middle of his command centre opened up to reveal an elevator.

Bdubs grinned and hopped towards the lift as Scar followed, holding Jellie.

"This is really cool." The Boomer said as the lift brought them down through the water. The doors opened up into the base.

Mumbo and Grian looked up as the lift slid open.

"Hey guys!" Scar spotted them and waved as he and Bdubs started to make their way over. "You've done a great job with capturing that 'superhero' HQ vibe!"

"Thanks!" Mumbo smiled. Grian just nodded.

"Where's Jrum? I brought Jellie for him to play with." Scar said looking around. Something caught his eye. It was Jrumbot...but he didn't seem quite right. His screen was dark and he had a sticky note on his face. "I-"

The wizard was cut off by a little boy hugging his legs. "Hewwo Scaw!"

Scar looked down to see what he thought was at first a real human kid, but quickly realized that it was Jrumbot. He had gotten a new body.

"Hey Jrum! Can you watch Jellie for me while we talk with your fathers?"

Jrum nodded and held out his arms for the cat. Scar lifted her off of his shoulders and placed her in the little boy's metal arms. Jrum hugged her and ran off towards the twins, and another robot who looked like an older Jrum.

"You built another robot?" Bdubs asked Mumbo, motioning towards the group of androids.

"Well, sort of? I built another body for Grum. He controls that one and the one upstairs." Mumbo explained.

"They look amazing." Scar complimented the roboticist. "I thought Jrum was a human for a second." He laughed.

"Yeah, if they're panels were a different colour, it might've been impossible to tell." Bdubs continued. "They look a lot like you two."

Grian put his head down in his arms on the table. "I know" he said, but it was muffled.

"So....Poultry Man!" Bdubs changed the subject. "I drew up some designs for his suit!"

BdoubleO opened up his inventory and took out a sketchbook. On the cover was written "Scar's Sketches". He flipped through the pages of base designs until he reached a page full of concept art. He set the book down on the table for the Architechs to see.

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