The Six Million Dollar Man

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Biffa looked around the server as Grian, xB, and X headed towards a medieval-styled town of purple and white. It was still early in the morning, but Xisuma needed Hels to show them where Alex had been. The Admin was wearing Alex's suit and helmet. He had his usual helmet in his inventory. As expected, the lights in Wels' main base were off.

"He's probably asleep." xB brought up.

Xisuma nodded. "True, but we can't really wait for the morning."

The Wisconsin man quickened his pace to walk next to his Dadmin.

Biffa and Grian walked side by side behind the duo. The ex-Hermit glanced at the bird.

"How long have you had your wings?" He asked.

Grian looked at Biffa. "A couple of months or so."

"Dang...did they just pop ...appear?"

The hero shook his head. "No, they grew."

"Oh, ouchie....It took less than two months for your wings to grow to full size? That's insane." Biffa replied.

Grian laughed. "It took a little over a week for them to be full size." He realized.

Biffa coughed. "Excuse me? That must have been painful! See, 'Suma and I grew wings when we were little kids, but it took years for them to be full size. Even that was painful."

"...yeah." Grian sighed. "The heartbreak was worse though." He muttered sadly.

"Yikes." Biffa wasn't sure how to respond.

Xisuma stepped up to the front door of the main building of Wels' base and knocked swiftly. As expected, there was no response. Xisuma knocked again, to no avail.

Grian looked up the building, noticing a few windows.

"I could fly up there and knock?" He suggested.

Xisuma looked over his shoulder at the bird. "Go ahead."

Grian nodded and shrunk down to bird size before flying up to the windows. When he looked inside the front window on the second story, he saw a dark bedroom. An armour stand stood by an occupied bed, a set of armour on it. Grian knocked on the window a few times. It got a response from whomever was sleeping, which Grian assumed was Wels. After knocking for about 2 minutes, Wels finally got up and groggily stumbled over to the window to see what was going on. He was in casual clothes and the faint light from the outside illuminated his blond hair. He opened the window and rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry about waking you, Wels! But we need your help." Grian explained, flying in front of the knight's face. The pointed-ear hermit was still waking up, confused at the situation for a moment.

Grian could see past Wels better now into the room. He noticed that half of it seemed burnt and charred.

"Whaddyawant" Wels mumbled before yawning.

"Xisuma's downstairs at the front door. He'll explain." Grian explained. He flew down to the ground and returned to his normal size.

Wels nodded, still out of it. He closed the window and sleepily left his room and went downstairs. He took his time getting to the front door. When he opened it, he was greeted by Xisuma putting a thermos into his arms.

"What's this?" Wels asked, trying to keep his eyes open.

"Coffee." Xisuma nodded towards the thermos. Wels gave a semi-smile as he unscrewed the lid of the thermos, raising the container to his mouth. He downed the whole bottle as the others watched. When he was finished, he shoved the empty thermos at Xisuma.

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