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Season 2

Mumbo entered the Admin's base for his lesson. Xisuma had been teaching him Galactic for a few days, and Mumbo knew it was X's excuse to cheer Mumbo up, but that was fine. It was working.

Mumbo looked around the corner, but the doomguy was nowhere in sight. He heard his voice coming from one of the rooms though. As the young man approached the door, he could hear another voice similar to X's, but deeper.

"So you don't want my help then." The deeper voice huffed.

"Alex, you know that's not-"

"Save it, 'Suma."

Heavy boots came towards the door. Mumbo hid back around the corner so that he wouldn't be caught eavesdropping. A man in a suit of armour almost identical to Xisuma's except red marched out of the room and to the exit of the base. Mumbo was certain that the mystery man hadn't seen him.

Xisuma came outside the room soon after. Mumbo had quickly taken a seat in front of the enchantment table, trying to look nonchalant.

The Admin went over to the young hermit and sighed as he took his own seat.

"Sorry about the delay. There was a bit of business that I had to attend to." X tried to brush off the situation.

"It's quite alright." Mumbo smiled.

"Why don't we begin." Xisuma opened up the tome.

Present Day

Xisuma stood in front of the mirror, once again in his Strider suit.

"I have an idea of who can help me, but...It's definitely risky." X turned to Grian who was sipping some tea in front of the fire.

"Who is it?"

"So, you know Wels, right?"

Grian nodded. Strange question, but alright.

"Wels has this sort of...split personality thing, but not quite? It's a nether version of himself. He calls himself 'Hels'. You might have seen Wels talking to himself before." Xisuma explained.

"Oh...I just thought he was crazy." Grian kind of chuckled.

"Well, aren't we all?" X pulled the hood of his cloak over the helmet.

"Speaking of crazy people," Grian stood up. "How-....How did it go with Mumbo?"

Xisuma paused for a moment before answering. "He said he would get rid of the hermitbots and fix the lift. He'll take care of himself...hopefully."

"That's good..."

"And he promised that he would at least listen to you if you came around to apologize." Xisuma added.

"That's even better." Grian looked relieved.

"How much time do you have left?" Xisuma looked over his bird buddy. He was the featheriest that he had ever been. 

"Two-ish weeks or so, I'm guessing..." Grian answered sadly.

Xisuma nodded and came over to the bird. "Whatever happens, we'll be here for you." He reassured him in a soft voice. Grian smiled.


Season 2

Xisuma put on a kettle of tea as he waited for Mumbo to arrive for his lesson. The young hermit was a quick learner and it made X happy to see Mumbo happy. He heard the door open, and looked up to quite the surprise. Mumbo came into view, a massive grin on his face...and he had a mustache.

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