Bad Time

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The man stood up, picking his son up and setting him back down the bed. He was wearing sweats and a plain t-shirt.

That wouldn't do.

If he was going to be a supervillain, he needed to look the part. His mind was drawn to his collection of outfits that he used to dress the Hermitbots. This was his bedroom, and he recalled storing the rest of them in his closet. He walked forwards and opened the closet door, smiling as he pulled out a box of various costumes and clothes.

"Papa, what do you mean?" Jrum hopped off the bed and approached his father.

"Exactly what I said. I'm going to be a supervillain." The Redstoner replied, his tone seeming a bit off.

The man dug through the box and pulled out a set of clothes. A lab coat,boots, and a jumpsuit sort of thing. He looked at his son.

"Am I able to communicate with the Hermitbots remotely?" He asked. Jrum shrugged.

"I'm not suwe..." The baby mumbled. The man's eye twitched.

"Speak up. Don't mutter your words." He ordered the child. Jrum nodded quickly, unfamiliar with the bossy tone his father spoke with.   "Now what did you say, Jrum?" The roboticist asked in the same firm voice.

"I-...I said I'm not suwe." The baby bot spoke clearly this time, resulting in a nod from his father.

"Alright." The cyborg closed his eyes and attempted to message a couple of his drones.

A minute later, two robots opened the door. It was BDroid and StressBot.

"Ah yes. Perfect. You two, I need you to take these clothes and make them villainy. Clocks and such. Cool lights. A mix of steampunk and futuristic. Be quick about it." The man ordered the robots, handing them the set of clothes. They nodded obediently and hurried off to complete the task.

The man smiled. He stood up and went into his bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. It was a bit disorienting to see himself like this, but the more he looked at himself, the more natural it felt. He was glad to see his mustache was still intact. His hair was a mess, and it was still long-ish.

He squinted at his reflection. The man picked up a thing of hair gel and slicked his hair back with a smile. He washed his hands, a bit hesitant at first for his metal replacement, but quickly became fine with it. He dried them off on a towel and stepped back into his bedroom, where Jrum sat on the bed again. He looked distressed.

"What's the matter, Jrum?" The cyborg stepped up to his son. Jrum looked up at the tall Englishman and blinked.

"Well?" The man seemed to quickly grow impatient.

"Do you need a hug, Papa?" Jrum asked innocently.

The man stared down at his child, his gaze cold. He silently got on his knees and opened his arms. Jrum's face lit up and he jumped into his father's arms and hugged him tightly.

The little baby gave his father a kiss on the cheek and giggled. The roboticist suddently didn't feel so cold.

"What a precious little baby." He smiled and gave the boy a kiss on the forehead, his demeanor doing a 180.

He made a few observations as he hugged his child.

One: His metal hand couldn't feel things as well as his organic one.

Two: He was in immense pain, but seemed fine with it.

And three: Now that he was a robot, he felt connected to his baby.

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