Wires and Nerve

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Mumbo walked through a long hallway full of various doors. Each door was unique, and he knew that opening the wrong one could be dangerous. He stepped towards a pretty blue door with gold trim. The handle was shiny and smooth.

With little hesitation, Mumbo opened the door. It creaked as he pulled it outwards. Inside, the tall Englishman saw a laboratory. He recognized it from a game he loved. The panels on the walls were clean and new.

In the center of the room's ceiling hung a giant robotic core. Mumbo stepped into the lab and approached the robot. It turned, revealing a rectangular white "face" with a yellow light, like an eye.

"I wasn't expecting another test subject" The AI spoke and brought herself closer to Mumbo.

Mumbo didn't step back. "I'm just visiting, GLaDOS. Big fan, by the way."

GLaDOS brought herself back up. "Oh, it's you ."

"You-...you know me?"

"Of course I do. Although, I'm surprised that you got that old robot body to work again, Wheatley." She spoke that name with annoyance.

Mumbo was confused. "My name's not-..."

He turned as he saw himself in a reflective surface. He was no longer human, but he was now an android, it seemed. His body looked mechanical and his eyes were an electric blue. Underneath his white shirt, a glowing circle of blue could be seen. He stumbled back.

"It's sad, really. You relied on Chell for so long to bring you to places, but now that she's gone, you have to use a humanoid vessel. Don't you miss being like me?" GlaDOS chuckled.

Mumbo sighed. "I...I need to go."

GlaDOS laughed again. "You can go. Have fun trying to escape though."

Mumbo bolted towards the door, fully expecting it to disappear or be destroyed. But it was fine.

He flung open the door and ran out. As it slammed shut behind him, he looked at his hands. They were normal, human hands again. He was relieved.

Mumbo shook his head to clear his thoughts and approached an old, paint-chipped door. The handle was rubbed and rusted. He opened it.

As the door creaked open, Mumbo could feel that something was wrong. On the other side was Grian, but...something was off about him.

He had his gauntlet that he had gotten from the Button, but his arms were half-metallic. The man turned around, and Mumbo saw metal plating on his face, similar to the plating on Grum and Jrum's faces.

Mumbo took a step back. He had yet to enter the room.

"Mumbo! Great! You're just in time!" Grian said in a sing-songy voice.

"Just in time...for what?"

"To become perfect!" The seemingly robotic Grian raised his gloved hand and beckoned for Mumbo with his other hand.

Mumbo hesitantly stepped inside the door. It creaked until it was almost closed.

"Whaddya say?" Grian gave him a look of...hope? The roboticist couldn't quite place the emotion.

"I-...Alright." Mumbo adjusted his glasses on his face.

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