Friends Are Family

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Mumbo and Xisuma had flown off, so now Ren was left with the 4 robokids. Jrumbot had climbed onto his shoulders and was petting the dogman's ears while the others told him about their family.

"'Melia and I are twins, as you know." Circuit was explaining. "So our dad Mumbo had already started building us a while ago, but never finished the job."

"But then after he finished Grum and Jrum," his sister interjected, "Then he decided to finally finish us."

"So Grian isn't technically our dad since only Mumbo built us." Circuit added.

"He's basically our adoptive father, but that doesn't change the fact that we love him." Amelia smiled.

"I see." Ren nodded as they talked.

"I was finished first, but I'm not the oldest." Grum gave a joke glare to the twins, who kiddingly stuck out their tongues.

"I'm da babeeeeeey" Jrum sang. He was wearing Ren's sunglasses.

Grum nodded before adding, "and Dad built new bodies for me and Jrum!"

Ren replied, "Oh yeah, I was wondering about that. I thought you were that giant robot outside-"

"I am! I can control both bodies since they're connected through a network system." The bow-tie wearing robot explained.

"That's pretty sweet." Ren smiled.

"Papa built a new body fow me 'cuz Daddy accidentawwy zappy zapped me, and I shut down." Jrum played with Ren's ponytail. "Don't wowwy doh, Daddy didn't mean it."

Ren paused for a second. "So, Mumbo's your papa? And Grian's your daddy?" He asked the baby bot.

Jrum nodded with a beep.

"Are, together?"

"Oh, no, they're just friends." Amelia answered for her little brother. "At least, I'm pretty sure."

Grumbot shrugged. "Well, they didn't mean to be our dads. That was more my fault." He added with a laugh.

"Whaddya mean?" The diggity dog cocked his head to the side like a confused...well, a confused dog.

"Dad forgot to make it so that my AI wouldn't evolve. Of course, it did because of that. And I just saw these two men who I knew built me for a specific reason, but I wanted something greater than that reason. They built me, so they're my creators. My parents, if you will. And I did." Grum replied. "Oh man, you shoulda seen Mumbo's face when I called him Dad for the first time! Haha!"

Circuit laughed. "Same with Grian. Oh, his expression was priceless ."

Jrum hopped down from Ren's shoulders and climbed onto his lap instead. "Do you gots a mommy?" He looked up at the dog.

Ren nodded, waiting to see where this was going.

"What's a mommy wike? I don't got one." Jrum asked.

The dogman was a bit surprised. He looked around at the other robots, who gave Ren a sympathetic look. They must have had to deal with questions from Jrum a lot.

"Well, they're really nice and they love and take care of you. Kinda like a dad, but...different." He tried to give an explanation.

Jrum sat and looked over at the door. "Dat sounds nice...I wish I got a mommy." He seemed sad.

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