Keep Moving Forward

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Five Years Ago

"So whaddya think about this?" Taurtis picked up a dusty old book. On its bound leather cover was the impressment of a dragon within an ornate design.

"Ooo, I like that. What about this one?" Grian smiled and then held up his find. A red leather hardcover journal, with gold corners. A six fingered hand on the cover, a three written on the golden hand. Taurtis grabbed the book out of Grian's hands.

"YOOO" The headphoned boy grinned. "This is awesome!" He flipped through the pages and then held up the book so Grian could see the entry.

Grian took the book back to have a better look at the page. "Hey, this is exactly what I've been looking for."

Taurtis nodded. "Can't wait for that second Grian. Then I'll have twice the number of people to mercilessly prank with little consequence."

"Don't get your hopes up, he'll just be an NPC." Grian chuckled.

"Lookie here! I'm NPC Grian!" Taurtis did his best English accent (it wasn't great, but wasn't terrible) and mimicked a robotic video game NPC, doing a stiff, little dance with his arms. Grian laughed.

"He's gonna do that now, I hope you understand." Grian smiled and set the book in his inventory. The place was abandoned; who cared if he took a book from it?

Taurtis put the book he found back down. The two of them made their way down a dark hallway.

"This is kinda spooooky." Taurtis looked over his shoulder at Grian, who had taken the journal out of his inventory and was reading it by the light of a torch (the British kind, not the real fire on a stick.). His expression was focused and scheming.

"Hey, put the book away, nerd, and keep your eyes up. I need the flashlight." Taurtis had stopped walking so he could nudge his best friend with his elbow. G looked up and put the book back away.

"Flaaaaashlight." Grian did his best American accent. It was jarringly good. All of his time with Taurtis must have helped.

"Tooooorch." Taurtis did his bad English accent again.

Grian laughed and held the flashlight up to lead their way. After a few minutes of walking, the two of them stumbled upon a large circular room, a gigantic mural from floor to ceiling.

"Woahhh." Taurtis walked up to the wall and put his hand on it. He brushed the dust from the wall and then looked at his hand. He clapped the dust away and looked back at Grian, who was studying a portion of the elaborate, seemingly ancient painting. Depicted was a large black bird, blue and white lightning surrounding it and coming from its wings and eyes.

"Dude, this is so cool." Taurtis ran up behind Grian and looked at the bird painting.

"Thunderbird." Grian said with a mischievous grin. "We should find one of these."

"Grian and Taurtis, Mythbusters." Taurtis donned the same grin.

"I bet they exist." Grian pulled out a journal, different from the one he had stolen from the abandoned study. He flipped through some pages, landing on an entry about the mythical birds. "We've seen so much information about them. They're probably one of those creatures that people think are myths, but are just mega rare."

Taurtis nodded. "Sounds about right."

Grian looked at the painting again and put the book back in his bag. "Flying is pretty epic."

Taurtis nodded again. "Yeah, bro, remember that time with those cool wing prototypes we found in that old lab?"

Grian looked at his bestie. "That was simultaneously one of the best and scariest things we've done."

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