The Robot Chapter

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Circuit woke up that next morning in his father's bed. He rubbed his eye as he recalled the previous night. He looked to his right to see his father sitting on the floor against the side of the bed, asleep. He must have put Circuit in the bed and passed out down there.

Circuit smiled as he remembered the stories his father told him. To see his dad gush about someone he had loved brought hope to the young boy's mechanical heart. His old self was still in him.

The robot boy slipped out of the bed and went over to where his father was. He easily scooped the 6'5 man up in his metal arms and placed him on the bed. He tucked the roboticist in and gave him a kiss on the forehead before exiting the bedroom, turning the lamp off on his way out.

Circuit entered the living room to find it full of the Hermitbots. Circuit was happy to have more friends, but he definitely missed when it had just been the kids, Griandroid, and Mumbo's family.

Circuit scanned the room to find his other father. He spotted Griandroid with "Iskall". He stepped through the groups of bots to the winged machine. Griandroid looked up when the boy approached. He smiled when he saw his new outfit.

"Good morning, Circuit!" Griandroid greeted the boy.

"Morning, Dadroid." Circuit smiled. He gave the Iskall robot a pleasant nod as he stood up to let the two of them talk. Griandroid waved to the robot.

Griandroid patted the seat next to him on the couch for Circuit. The one-eyed robot sat down and pulled at the ends of his sleeves with his hands.

"How did it go last night?" Griandroid asked.

"It went really well! I think we're making progress! And I got new clothes." Circuit looked down at his band T-shirt with a smile.

"That's really great to hear!" His robotic third father smiled.

The kids used to not like Griandroid. He was originally built to be a replacement for their father, Grian. Griandroid wasn't trying to be a replacement though. He was just doing what Mumbo built him for. Once Grumbot had accepted Griandroid, not as a replacement, but as an additional father, the other kids followed suit. Even though he wasn't the real Grian, he was the second best thing they could get. He was obviously different from the real Grian though. Just like the kids, Griandroid couldn't outright refuse Mumbo. They were programmed to help him, Griandroid more so than the others. Even if he wanted to tell Mumbo that an idea of his was bad, he physically could not.

Griandroid was much more physically affectionate to the kids than real Grian was. The kids all knew it was because the robot was missing the anxiety and flaws that made the real Grian real. Griandroid never got embarrassed when the kids were affectionate back. Circuit missed that about his father. He often tried to see if he could make Griandroid mess up and be embarrassed. He just wanted that semblance of human flaw in this machine of a father.

Griandroid reached out to Circuit for a hug, which Circuit promptly gave. He cuddled up against the red sweater as Griandroid hugged him tightly and gave him kisses on his head. Circuit smiled and gave his robotic father a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, Dadroid."

"Aw, I love you too, Circuit!" Griandroid ruffled the boy's hair.

"Alrighty, I'm gonna go clean up Dad's workshop. Grum told me it was a mess last night." Circuit stood up and gave his father a wave before heading towards the clock-filled room.

On his way over there, he passed by Jrumbot. Circuit stopped and nudged his little brother.

"Hey, try and see if you can break Dadroid. You know how." Circuit winked, but it just looked like he blinked.

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