System Reboot

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The base was coming along nicely. The two worked on the interior of the egg-shaped glass dome for the day. It was looking great on the inside. There were areas for planning, and even a workshop for Mumbo. There was a bed too, to remind the man to sleep.

Grian and Mumbo decided that they were done for the day, so they sat in the small kitchen area of the base and talked. Amelia and Circuit were there too, playing with Jrumbot.

Mumbo suddenly got very quiet as he watched his kids. He looked a bit sad. Grian was concerned.

"Everything alright?" Grian asked, shifting in his seat.

Mumbo blinked and looked at the winged man. "Yup."

He stood up out of his seat and rushed over to his new workshop. "I gotta do it!" He seemed anxious.

"Do what?" Grian watched from his chair.

"Make a new body for Grum." Mumbo started pulling out materials and tools, acting quickly but with purpose.

"Right now? Aren't you tired?"

Mumbo looked up. That crazed look from the other day had returned. "Nope!"

The redstone man started to build the base of an android. Grian stood up and went over to him.

"Hey man, seriously, what's with you and robots?" He watched his friend work skillfully.

Mumbo looked up, still moving his hands. "Whaddya mean?"

"I don't just keep making them, and there's this... look in your eye when you build them. It kind of worries me." Grian rubbed his arm behind his back.

"Grian. I'm fine. I need to do this." Mumbo sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince his friend.

"Plus, I'll be quick. It won't take long. If you come back in the morning, he'll be done and uploaded!" Mumbo paused his work to give him a smile.

"Yeah, that's the problem. You're not sleeping." The bird took the wrench from Mumbo's hand. Mumbo turned around and pulled out another one and continued his work. Grian sighed and put the wrench down.

"There's no time to do it during the day. We're too busy working on Poultry Man. I want to get this done for Grum." The roboticist tried to explain.

Grian looked over at his kids. They all seemed so happy. Grumbot deserved that too. He shouldn't be stuck in one place while his siblings are able to move around. He looked back at Mumbo.

"Fine. But you better sleep. I'm going home for the night. If I come back early in the morning, you better not be still working on the bot." Grian turned to leave.

Jrumbot looked up from his spot and saw his dad walking towards the lift.

"Wait! Daddy! Can I go wif you?" The little boy called out across the room.

Grian looked over his shoulder. He thought for a second. "Alright, c'mon." He held out his hand.

Jrumbot gasped and jumped up, rushing over to the bird. He took his hand and waved to the twins. They waved back with a smile.

"Gnight Mumbo!" Grian said as he stepped onto the lift.

"Night Papa! I wuv you!" Jrumbot waved to his mechanic father.

Mumbo paused briefly to wave goodbye, saying, "Night! I love you too!" before returning to his work.

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