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Mumbo skipped on over to Grian's base, ready to finish the mayor bot they had started the day before.

I hope that he's feeling better, he thought to himself as he made his way up the stairs of the mansion.

In each hand, he was holding a cookie in a napkin. He had made a batch earlier that morning and he thought Grian would appreciate one.

He reached the doors, but his hands were full and he was unable to ring the doorbell. Instead, he stepped back, raised up his leg, and pressed the doorbell with his shoe.


The bell echoed through the empty mansion.

Mumbo didn't have to wait nearly as long this time. The door opened a minute or two after he rang the bell.

On the other side was Grian, who was looking much more awake than he was yesterday. His hair was actually brushed (somewhat). He also seemed to be wearing one of his bigger sweaters, which Mumbo would be concerned about since it was going to get hot today, but he couldn't really say anything since he wore the same exact suit everyday, no matter the temperature.

Mumbo smiled. "Good morning!"

Grian looked up at his friend, who was holding baked goods. "Morning Mumbo"

"I made you a cookie!" Mumbo held the cookie out for Grian to take.

Grian hesitated for a moment, shifted uncomfortably, and took the cookie. "Th-thank you."

"Oh c'mon, it can't be that bad." Mumbo chuckled about Grian's reaction.

"No, it's not you. It's-" Grian hesitated again, and pulled at the back of his sweater. "Er-, uh, nevermind, it's nothing"

Mumbo took a bite of his own cookie (which wasn't bad at all, why did Grian react like that?), and gave G a suspicious look. "Are you sure?"

Grian gave him a nod, but Mumbo kept giving him this look. G looked away, but Mumbo didn't.

After a few very uncomfortable moments, Mumbo finally spoke. "...Alright." He relaxed his posture and stopped giving Grian the look.

"Great, okay, let's get goin! We've got, uh, a lotta work to do if we want you to become mayor!" Grian put the cookie away (he didn't even try it) and started to walk away from the mansion.

Mumbo turned and put a hand on Grian's shoulder, causing the shorter hermit to freeze in his tracks. "Hey."

Grian slowly turned around to face his taller companion.

"If you ever need to talk about stuff, or if something's bothering you, even if it's like...an annoying bird or whatever, I'm always here." Mumbo gave his buddy a reassuring smile. "And I'll take care of that annoying bird or whatever that's bothering you"

Grian forced a chuckle, but he felt very uncomfortable from the wording of what Mumbo said. "Thanks dude"

Mumbo released his grip (he didn't realize how tightly he had been holding G's shoulder) and smiled.

"Alright! Now that that's out of the way!" Mumbo started walking down the steps, and Grian followed right next to him.

Well, scratch that. Grian followed ever so slightly behind him.

The rest of the day was a lot like the day before.

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