The Rise of Poultry Man

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Mumbo had taken Grian back up out of the base and into the shop. Bdubs and Scar had left after the wizard vaguely explained the bird's situation.

"Still can't believe Bdubs broke into my house like that." Mumbo sighed. "Wait, no, I can actually."

Grian sat in the robotisict's hand as they entered the Jrumbot shop. It was around 2 in the afternoon, but G was still tired. He had only woken up two hours earlier.

When Mumbo entered the shop with Grian seemingly not with him, Grumbot was confused.

"Is Dad okay?" The gap-toothed bot asked. "Is he still down in HQ?"

Grian popped up out of Mumbo's hand. "I'm right here." He called out in a high voice. Grum hopped over the front counter and made his way over to his parents.

"Aw look at you Dad!" Grum leaned down towards the tiny bird. Mumbo chuckled and Grum scooped his father up in his cupped hands. "You're feathery."

The bird sighed. "Don't remind me."

Grum turned around to face his little brother, who was colouring in a book with a crayon. "Hey Jrum, take Dad for me." He set the superhero down on the book in front of Jrum.

Grum turned around again and started talking to Mumbo about his new programming.

Jrum giggled when he saw his tiny dad. "Hiya Daddy!" He picked up his father in his robotic hands and pet him with his finger. "You feew soft!" The baby bot observed.

Jrumbot cradled the hummingbird man in his hands like a baby and started to hum. Grian looked up and was amazed by the amount of wonder and awe in the boy's digital eyes. As Jrum pet his feathers, Grian realized that he'd never told his son how he felt.

The bird sat up and climbed up Jrum's finger and hand so that he was closer to the baby's face. The bot continued to giggle, making it hard for Grian to hold a straight face.

"Jrum," He began.

"Yes Daddy?" Jrum stopped giggling and looked attentively at his feathered father.

"I-...I love you." Grian finally said.

Jrum's smile was one of the greatest things that the builder had ever seen. "I wuv you mowe!" He brought his hand to his face and lightly kissed the top of the bird's head.

Grian laughed a little. This felt really nice. Why hadn't he done it before?

Well, he knew why he hadn't.

It had always been hard for Grian to tell someone that he loved them ever since he lost Taurtis. So many people before him knew that he loved them. Taurtis knew. Sam knew. P-...

He lost his train of thought. He had forgotten who he was thinking of. He shrugged it off, but there was still a lost memory tugging at the back of his mind.

"Grian, did you hear me?"

Mumbo had been talking to the bird. G looked up and blinked, coming back to reality.

"Oh, uh, sorry, I was...never mind. What did you say?"

Mumbo smiled and crouched down next to Jrum's hand. "I said, are you ready to test out your abilities in your supersuit?"

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