New Day

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Mumbo was awoken by something poking his face. He pushed whatever it was away and rolled over. He heard loud chirps as he did so. Something hopped on his arm and started poking his face again.

He opened one of his eyes. "What is it..." he mumbled, still half asleep.

Whatever is was chirped very loudly right into his ear.

Mumbo groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What the heck-"

He turned his head to see what was on his shoulder.

It was his friend, but...tiny.

He did say he could change his size.

"Grian?" Mumbo blinked a few times and moved his hand to pick up the winged creature. He gently took him in his hand and held him in front of him.

Grian trilled and hopped up and down in Mumbo's hand.

"I'm guessing it's time to get up?" Mumbo chuckled.

Grian nodded and fluttered out of his palm. He flew to the middle of the room and changed size midair to his normal form.

He landed on the ground and made his way over to Mumbo. He grabbed the tired man's hand and pulled him up and out of bed.

"C'mon sleepyhead, you gotta shower and change your clothes sometime." Grian laughed.

Mumbo rolled his eyes, but complied. He got up and winced in pain. He was very sore. His arms ached from the nonstop building he had been doing.

"You good bro?" Grian looked at Mumbo, and stepped forwards towards him. His tall friend shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I-" Mumbo was cut off by Grian hugging him tightly around the waist. "Oh?"

Grian hugged his friend for a moment and then let go. He too was covered in motor oil and redstone. "I guess we both need a shower." He laughed again and pulled Mumbo out of the shop.

Mumbo was surprised by how Grian was acting. Grian never gave hugs.

"Alrighty Mumbo! I can fly us back to our bases and we can get cleaned up and meet over at my mansion!" Grian seemed to already have a plan.

His wings shimmered in the morning sunlight. His messy hair had a few feathers in it, and he had freckles now. That was new.

"That sounds good." Mumbo nodded.

Grian smiled wide and, in a quick moment, was suddenly 8 feet tall. Before Mumbo could do anything, Grian picked up his friend, bridal style, and launched into the air.

The Redstoner gasped in surprise as his big buddy flew through the air. Mumbo didn't want to fall, so he put his arms around Grian and held on. They zipped through the sky faster than any rocket could propel an elytra, and they were at their bases in no time.

Grian lowered himself down in front of Mumbo's base and set his feet on the ground. Mumbo released his tight grip and slowly hopped out of his friend's huge arms. He turned to look at Grian, who gave him a dorky grin before running off to his own base, shrinking back to his normal size on the way.

Mumbo couldn't help but laugh at his gremlin of a buddy. He entered his base and went to his room. He pulled out a fresh set of clothes, but looked at the dress pants with hesitation. He put that set away and pulled out something more casual.

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