Live, Laugh, Love

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Grian had nothing but nightmares for the next week. Each night, he relived the loss of his family, the loss of Sunshine, the loss of Taurtis, the loss of himself, the loss of Mumbo. All the extra stress caused him to lose quite a bit of sleep. The bird would pace his room hundreds of times, going over the problems in his head. He wasn't sure how to fix anything anymore.

On the sixth night of these consecutive nightmares, he decided that he had had enough. He was losing time,losing sleep, and losing his mind.

Grian went to the roof of his mansion and took off. He looked at the skies around him. It was late at night, but the moon and stars were blocked by the storm clouds that had been plaguing the server for weeks. He wondered when they would finally break and release their downpour.

"Okay, I'm going to get there and I'm going to apologize to Mumbo." Grian told himself out loud. His muscles were tense with built up electricity and it hurt. It hurt a lot. The bird began to find it hard to fly, so he made a pit stop on top of a tree. Dreamslayer caught his breath and looked up at the sky. He channeled the pent-up lightning inside of him and shot it off into the air.

"Thaaaat's better." He mumbled. He'd come to realize that if he didn't shoot off the extra electricity inside of him, it would start to build up and become very bothersome.

Grian looked down at his chest and arms. The feathers didn't disgust him anymore. They just made him sad.

There was so much going on inside his head. Everything hurt, but in different ways. His scars burned, his head felt crowded, his muscles were sore. He kind of wished that he would just become a bird already.

An idea came to him.

"Mumbo said I had become a bird the night I blacked out..." He muttered to himself. "Maybe...Maybe I can do it again. Maybe I can try that again and this time stay a bird."

The idea was strangely tempting. When this whole ordeal started, he would have despised the thought.

He had changed.

But doing so, he decided, would be selfish. He had made promises and had responsibilities. He needed to stick it out.

Grian sighed and took off into the air again, flying towards TVGrumbot and the Shopping District. He landed on the platform and paused.

"It's no big deal, Grian. You're just...fixing a friendship. It'll go fine."

The electrical hum of TVGrum had been lost ever since he had become broken. Grian was used to it being gone.

But the command centre of the robot was even more silent than it used to be. Grian wasn't sure why.

He stepped up to the centre and put his hand on it. The metal was cold and lifeless. After a moment, the bird pressed the button for the lift.

And he waited.

And waited.

And waited.

He pressed the button over and over. He stood at the console for ten minutes, pressing the button and waiting.

But nothing happened.

There was no whirr of the lift.

It took a second, but Grian finally realized the reason why it felt so silent. The lift wasn't on.

That realization only made him panic more. That meant the kids and Mumbo were stuck down there.

Grian flew up into the sky and went over the water, looking down. He saw the lights from the HQ shining brightly through the ocean. Grian pulled his goggles down onto his face. The bird held his breath and dove down into the cold, salty water. He swam down to the top of the HQ, peeking down over the edge of it to look inside. He opened his eyes, happy that the goggles kept the water out. He could see inside the living room. He saw Iskall.

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