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Grian fell through the air. The wind resistance was getting increasingly stronger as he watched his beaten and battered friend be taken away by the massive black bird. Grian tried to call out his name, but his mouth only let out cries.

He turned to look at the ground that was getting closer and closer. He braced for impact, but he knew that this was his end.

It was inevitable. A fall from the height he was at meant death.

He hit something.

It wasn't hard, and it didn't hurt.

He wasn't dead.

Unless this is what death felt like.

He felt wind rushing on his face from the side.

His eyes were closed but he could feel strong arms holding him as he was rushed through the air.

Did the bird get him too?

Grian opened his eyes and saw his hero.

A man in green armour that resembled that of Doomguy's from the video game Doom was holding him tightly as they zipped down safely.

The man had a pair of angel-like wings. They were purple and seemed to shimmer with strange runic symbols.

He landed softly on the jungle floor and set Grian down.

Grian looked up at the man with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

" saved me! You-" Grian cried out in pain and his hand grabbed at his right shoulder. A long, deep gash ran down his upper arm and slightly past his elbow. It burned like acid when he touched it. He recoiled and cried in agony as he looked at his blood-covered hand. His sweater was torn and ripped, and it was a much darker crimson at the site of the wound.

"Hey! Don't move! You'll make it worse!" The man crouched down in front of the bleeding man. He had an English accent, but it was different from Grian's. He must have been from a different region.

Grian tried to stay still as the masked man pulled out a bottle of swirling ruby red liquid. It sparkled and shimmered underneath the light that shone through the canopy of leaves overhead.

The man uncorked the vial and lifted Grian's head to allow the pained Brit to drink it.

The pain in his arm lessened.

It did not go away.

It should have gone away.

"Does it feel better?" The man asked, putting the empty vial away and pulling out gauze.

Grian nodded slightly. "It-...It still burns...a lot-" He spoke slowly and in between his winces of pain.

The man looked up at the sky.

"You got attacked by what most people think is a mythical creature." He told G.

He looked back down at the wound. "I'm going to take off your sweater, okay? If it hurts too much, just tell me."

Featherweight - Hermitcraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now