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Grian hugged Mumbo tightly as they both went back and forth, telling their kids various stories about the other person.

The hours passed, and after a while, the two had spent the entire day talking with their robot children (with breaks for food, of course).

As the sun set, Grian got quieter. He had promised that he would tell Mumbo everything now, but he was starting to regret it.

Mumbo noticed his friend was talking less and less. He looked up at him and put a hand on Grian's cheek. "Everything alright?"

The bird nodded and rested his forehead on Mumbo's shoulder.

Jrumbot spoke up. "Hey Papa! Wasn't Daddy gonna tewll you somefing tonight?"

Grian looked up at his baby boy. He was wearing the Mumbo for Mayor t-shirt that Bdubs had made for Grian, since G couldn't really wear it himself. Mumbo nodded and glanced at his partner, who seemed tired.

His buddy shrunk back down to his normal size with Mumbo still on his lap.

"Will you four be all good here alone?" Grian asked the robots.

"We'll be fine, Father." Amelia smiled and pet Gellie, who was being held hostage by Jrum. Grumbot gave a thumbs up and Circuit nodded.

"Okay then." Grian stood, picking Mumbo up and setting him down on the way.

"Let's go to your pillars. They seem nice and...private." The bird suggested.

Mumbo pulled out his elytra and some rockets. Grian looked tired, so Mumbo decided that he should let him rest and not have to carry him.

Grian noticed this.

It made him smile.

Mumbo took G's hand as the bird raised his wings. The redstone man launched the two of them off with a rocket.

They soared through the air, Mumbo with his rockets, Grian flapping his wings.

Grian held Mumbo's hand so that his wings wouldn't take him too fast. That way, hopefully he wouldn't be noticed.

The night sky was cool and calm. The stars were bright, and the moon shone in the horizon.

The two of them swooped down onto the top of one of Mumbo's skyscraping pillars. Grian sat down on the edge of it and looked down. He'd never been afraid of heights, and he had no reason to be afraid since he had wings. But for some reason, when he looked off the tower, he felt a pit in his stomach. He quickly turned his attention away from the ground.

Mumbo kept his elytra on and sat down next to Grian.

He didn't waste any time.

"So...what's all this about a Thunderbird? Aren't they just mythical beasts?"

Grian sighed and looked into the sky. "A lot of mythical beasts are real, but they're good at hiding. A few people see them, tell stories, make up reasons why they exist, and they become myths. That's probably how Thunderbirds came to be called 'mythical'....but they're real. They're ginormous black birds that can create lightning storms. I've had more than one close encounter with one." He paused for a moment.

Mumbo patiently waited for him to continue.

"Back in high school, my friend Taurtis and I would often take trips to places that were kind of...'magical', in a sense.. They were usually places that were rumoured to be haunted, or rumoured to be harbouring ancient wizard artifacts, and stuff like that. Of course, almost always, it turned out to be fake.

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