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Mumbo took Grian to the room where the robokids were in. They were sitting in a circle, playing Uno with a very dusty pack of cards. At least, three of them were playing Uno. It seemed like Jrumbot was making his own rules.

"GO FISH!" He yelled as Mumbo and Grian entered the room. As he saw them, he dropped his cards with a gasp.

"DADDY!" The baby jumped up and ran over to his fathers. "You wook so coow!"

Grian chuckled happily and crouched down. He kissed the boys head and gave him a bear hug. He was still in his hero form, so Jrum looked even tinier compared to his dad.

G lifted his son as he stood up, holding him above his head in the air. "I love you so much!" He grinned and brought his arms down, smothering the baby in kisses.

Mumbo felt an immense joy seeing Grian act so fatherly to their son. The twins and Grum watched with smiles as the bird came over to them. He crouched down in the spot where Jrum had been sitting and extended his big arms, waiting for them to hug him.

Grum jumped at the chance. He loved hugs, and couldn't get enough. He didn't miss the days when he was too big to hug. He threw his arms around his big dad and laughed. The twins got up and hugged Grian as well. Jrum was in the middle of the hug. The bird looked over his shoulder at Mumbo, who was smiling wide.

"Well, don't just stand there. C'mon!" Grian said with a deep laugh. Mumbo grinned like an idiot as he went over to his family. Grian hadn't closed his arms yet, for he was waiting for his friend. Mumbo crouched down and hugged the children, and felt G's big arms close around him.

The hug lasted for a few minutes.

Grian let go and sat down from his crouched position.  The kids sat next to and around him, waiting for him to tell them why he was so happy. Mumbo hadn't moved yet, but G held out his hand. The roboticist took it, and the bird yanked Mumbo towards him. Grian caught the man in his arms and laughed his nice, deep laugh. The bird hugged Mumbo tightly as he started to explain.

"I saved someone today." Grian grinned.

"That's great! Who'd ya save?" Circuit was very invested in his dad's heroism, as were the other children. Jrum looked up at his big dad in awe and respect.

"I saved your Uncle Iskall from falling off of his giant tree! And he didn't recognize me! And he's safe now!" Excited sparks of lightning jumped off of Grian, a few accidentally zapping Mumbo. The tall Englishman flinched as one shocked what felt like his entire nervous system.

Grian didn't notice.

Mumbo didn't say anything. He couldn't bear ruining his friend's good mood. Grian needed this, and if Mumbo told him what he accidentally did, the bird would go back to hating himself.

Mumbo bared the pain.

"Daddy's a hewo!" Jrumbot cried out in joy and jumped up and down. Amelia and Grum gave their father a proud smile. Circuit got up and started looking over his dad's supersuit, totally geeking out.

It was something that Mumbo would have done.

Grian often forgot that the twins were essentially built to be clones of Mumbo, since they're personalities seemed to be unique enough. Sometimes there would be little bursts of personality that reflected that of their father. G always thought that was fascinating, but then again, real children were a bit like that, weren't they?

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