The Origin

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Barry POV

To understand what I'm about to say you'll need to do something first. You'll need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that? Good. The gods are real. You know the ones from the old Greek myths. Yeah they're real, along with the monsters and magic that accompany them. Now you're probably thinking that something so impossible can't be real. Trust me I was in the same boat as you once, that was until I became the impossible. My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive.
I wasn't always like this though. Before I was just a normal kid being raised by a single mother. I had normal problems like school and bullying. One day all of that changed. I came home after school one day only to find my mom dead. Police said it was a breaking and entering gone wrong. They never found the criminal. After that since no one could find my dad I was sent to live with my uncle Jay Allen.
My uncle is a forensic scientist working for the police. He's a really good guy but his job meant that he had to work late a lot. This was hard for me being young and alone just after my mother's death. As the days went by though I began to settle into my new life. Eventually things went back to normal and I was living a happy life. Things didn't stay normal for long though.
My life took a turn for the weird the night I visited my uncle at work. I was standing next to the window watching the thunder storm as I waited for my uncle to get off work. It was at that point when things changed. A lightning bolt struck me and threw me into a rack of chemicals that was right behind me. Essentially I was given a chemical bath while being electrocuted.
Amazingly enough I woke up completely fine the next day. Doctors said I was completely fine. If only they knew what was really happening to me.
Shortly after leaving the hospital I noticed things starting to change. Long story short I was getting faster. Faster then anyone should be. Basically every part of body became supercharged.
After discovering my super-speed I knew that I had to test it. With these tests I discovered that I didn't just run super fast but I did everything super fast. I could pretty much speed up everything about me. But even with all that speed I still wasn't fast enough to stop another tragedy in my life.
My uncle Jay was shot and killed by a mugger after work one day. Once again I was left alone. This time though I had no other family to take me in. They wanted to put me in foster care but I wasn't having that. Using my speed I ran away. Now I'm running around the country moving from place to place. Living the best way I can in this situation.
As I moved around I discovered more and more strange things like me. Mostly monsters that try to kill me. Key word is try. Thinks to my abilities I always win the fight. I thought fighting monsters and saving people from normal crimes was as weird as my life would get. That was until I met a group of kids that would become my best friends.

No Ones POV

It was a normal day in St.Louis. Cars driving up and down the road. People up and about. A man reading a newspaper about to cross the street. That is until out of nowhere a red blur shot by him pushing him back. The man was confused about what happened but not 2 seconds later a car came wizzing by. If it wasn't for that red blur the man would have been road kill.
The red blur continued to race all around the city. Eventually the blur came to a stop revealing it to be a twelve year old boy in a red shirt, blue jeans, red shoes, and a red backpack with a lightning bolt on it. The boy was none other then Barry Allen.

Barry: it took awhile and a few wrong turns but I finally made it.

In front of jay was the St.Louis arch. Wanting to see it for awhile now Barry finally came. Now it was time for him to get in. With a devilish smirk creeping onto his face Barry became a red blur once again.
Barry is a good kid but like most kids would he tends to us his powers to his advantage. Mostly using them to get food so that he can eat but sometimes he does use them to get into places without being seen.
In the blink of an eye Barry ran past all of the park rangers, the gates, everything and straight into the elevator. Since no one saw him do this he was able to get a free ride to the top. Barry wasn't the only special one heading up to the top of the arch though.
On the same elevator as him were a group of kids around his age. The group consisted of three. A girl with honey blond hair and grey eyes. A boy with black unkept hair and sea green eyes. Lastly another boy with facial hair, acne and most notably were his crutches. The kids looked to be roughly the same age as Barry.
As they were on the elevator going up the boy with the crutches began to sniff the air. When he was sure of what he was smelling he knew he had to tell the others. He began to tapping the blond girl next to him pulling her out of the conversation she was in with the other boy and the stranger.

???: what Grover?

Grover: there's a demigod on the elevator.

???: what? who?

Grover: I don't know but they have a strong sent. Annabeth this demigod is definitely a child of an Olympian.

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