Return of the Speedster

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If Percy was being honest, he felt more luckier now then he has in quite awhile. Facing off one on one with Luke ended up being more then he bargained for. Not wanting to toot his own horn but Percy thought himself a pretty good swordsman. Unfortunately Luke was too and Percy was out of practice. His leg ended up getting hurt and his friends were about to be eaten by one Luke's bear men. But that's when the Luck Percy felt actually kicked in.
Agrius and Oreius were both turned to dust by well placed Celestial Bronze tipped arrows. That's when Percy saw the charging army of centaurs, all dressed like they just came from a frat party. Do to this both he and Luke were stunned. Long story short though, thinks to Chiron and his centaur cousins, they managed to escape.
Now they were back at the centaur's camp. How they ended up getting here so fast Percy didn't know. The best way he could explain it was as if space was compacting and each of the centaurs steps took them miles. Now thinks to that weird speed they found themselves in a horse trailer park tricked out with tv's, mini fridges, and more.

Percy: so this is a centaur camp.

Percy watched as two centaurs head-butted each other in celebration. That's when Chiron galloped up with Annabeth and Grover. Seeing how his Cousins were celebrating Chiron just shook his head.

Chiron: I really wish they wouldn't slam their heads together. My cousins don't have the brain cells to spare.

Percy might have laughed at this if he still wasn't shocked by the fact that Chiron had saved them.

Percy: Chiron you saved us?

Chiron: (dry smile) well I very well couldn't let you die. Especially since you managed to clear my name.

Annabeth: but how did you know where we where?

Chiron: advanced planing my dear. I figured you would wash up near Miami.

Grover: (mumble) gee thanks.

Chiron: the point is I was able to eavesdrop on Percy's iris message and trace it. This's do to begin friends with Iris for centuries. Plus if you made it out of the sea of monsters alive you would most like wash up near Miami, that's where everything strange washes up. Then after we got your location it was easy to get to you. Distance for us centaurs isn't the same as distance for humans.

Percy looked around the camp before looking back to Chiron.

Percy: what do we do now? Just let Luke sail away with Kronos's parts aboard his ship?

Chiron opened his mouth to answer but as soon as he had another centaur came up. When Percy looked at him the centaur had a downtrodden look on his face. He looked like he had bad news that he really didn't want to tell.

Centaur: hey cuz!

Chiron looked at the centaur who seemed to try not to make eye contact with him.

Chiron: what is it?

Centaur: um it's about that other kid you asked us to get.

Hearing the words from the centaur and seeing how he was acting sent a cold chill down the backs of Percy, Annabeth, and Grover.

Chiron: you mean Barry yes!?

Centaur: yeah.

Percy didn't know how but to centaur looked even more down.

Chiron: what about Barry? Is everything alright with him?

Centaur: I don't know. I doubt it though.

Chiron: you doubt it? What do you mean?

Chiron immediately waved his last question off and fully turned to the man.

Chiron: never mind that just take me to him.

Demi-Speedster Where stories live. Discover now