The Camp

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After explaining to Barry the best he could where camp half-blood was the son of Poseidon climbed onto the speedsters back and they took off. It took the two of them a few try's to get there with Barry needing to stop a few time so Percy could give him more directions. Someone who has only been to the camp once trying to lead someone who's never been to the camp at all turned out to be fairly difficult. But in the end the two made it and in better time then if they took a cab.

Percy: well this is it.

Barry: a tree?

Both Percy and Barry were looking at a massive pine tree.

Percy: no the tree is just part of the barrier to the camp.

Barry: barrier?

Percy: yeah it's a long story but in short that's Thalia's tree and it makes a barrier to keep out monsters and mortals.

Barry: I see.

Percy: the camp itself is on the other side of the hill.

Percy then began walking a gesturing for Barry to follow him.

Percy: come on Barry, I'm sure Annabeth and Grover are waiting for us.

Barry was hesitant about going. He wasn't scared by any means but going meant something. This side of his life was apart of his fathers side and Barry didn't want anything to do with his father. But this side was no longer just his father's side anymore. This side of his life also had Percy in it, his first real friend. Were they best friends, no but they could be and Barry liked the thought of that. So reluctantly Barry began following Percy into camp.
The two of them walked past Thalia's tree. As they did Barry felt as if he walked through some unseen force. He didn't feel it trying to stop him but he definitely noticed it was there.

Barry mind: that must have been the barrier. It didn't feel like it could stop anything. Of course Annabeth did say I was like them. Still though it's kind of hard to believe.

Barry then stopped focusing on the barrier and looked forward. When he did he began to taken in the sight of the camp, at least what he could see from where they were at. All in all at first glance it looked like a regular summer camp.

Barry: this just looks like a regular camp.

Percy: just wait till you see more of it, trust me you won't think that for long.

Barry: so where is everyone?

Percy: probably the amphitheater.

Barry: this place has an amphitheater?

Percy: yeah we usually roast marshmallows and sing campfire songs there.

Barry: marshmallows and songs, so like any other camp.

Percy: not exactly.

Barry: what do you mean?

Percy: you'll see.

Now wondering what to expect Barry continued to follow Percy. As they walked the two went past what looked like a old farmhouse, a forge of some kind, and a volleyball court. Separately they all looked normal but when you but them together Barry could see what Percy was talking about.
After passing all that it didn't take them long before the two of them reached the amphitheater. When they got there Barry could hear a bunch of kids singing. What they were singing though caught him off guard. All the campers were singing about being there own great-great-great-great grandpa.

Barry: what sweet home Alabama crap did I just walk myself into.

Hearing that Percy couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle.

Percy: yeah the songs can be a little strange.

Before Barry could respond to that one of the campers noticed Percy was back. After that things got pretty hectic. So much so that they didn't even notice Barry being there. This left Barry standing off to the side watching as Percy and Annabeth did some kind of burial shroud burning thing that they apparently do after quests. Barry wasn't alone though as he stood to the side. A little girl stood with him as she tended to the fire.

Barry: is camp always like this?

???: it's usually pretty hectic just not to this degree.

Barry nodded his head showing that he understood. It was quite between the two after that. But then the little girl spoke to Barry.

???: you seem conflicted about being here. You want to stay for your friends but at the same time you hold so much hatred for your father that you don't want to be here at all.

Barry looked at the girl in confusion. How did she know about that.

Barry: how did you..........

???: you're a kind boy Barry Allen but that hatred will consume you if you let it.

Again Barry was left stunned. He was about to say something when someone else walked up behind him.

???: you must be Barry.

Barry turned around to see an actual centaur standing right in front of him. Barry had seen some weird stuff so this wasn't to shocking. Still it was interesting though.

???: Annabeth has told me all about you. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Chiron the activities director here at camp half blood.

Barry: hey I'm Barry but I guess you already knew that.

Chiron: indeed.

Barry: soooo.........

Chiron: I understand that all this is a lot to take in, so if you would accompany me to the big house I will try to explain everything the best I can.

Barry: sure but first I need to.........

Barry turned around to talk to the little girl again but as soon as he did she was gone.

Chiron: need to what?

Barry: n-nothing I guess.

Chiron: good now........

Before Chiron could say a word he was stopped. Above Barry's head appeared a glowing symbol.

Chiron: well that was awfully fast.

Chiron then gained the attention of the other campers that were there at the amphitheater. After he did the campers saw the symbol above Barry's head. Then to Barry's surprise Chiron along with the campers all kneeled down in front of him.

Chiron: hail Barry Allen son of Hermes!

Barry: ..........what?

Merry Christmas Everybody

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Merry Christmas Everybody

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