Speed vs War

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With no shoes because they got ripped off by his speed and pants starting to burn from the friction Barry was running around the city looking for his friends. So far he was have zero luck finding them. Eventually he stopped running all together. He really didn't need his clothes burning off.

Barry: before I put my plan into action I should have found out where those marbles would have taken the others.

It was then that Barry heard the sound of a explosion. Looking in the direction of where it was coming from Barry spotted what looked like fire on the beach. Now he had a good idea of where they wore at.

Barry: that's ether them or a really upset surfer.

Barry was about to start running towards the beach. Before he could though the ground began to shake. It was an earthquake and a good sized one to. It shook hard enough to knock Barry off of his feet. Luckily the quake didn't last long but Barry had a good idea of what caused it.

Barry: man Hades is mad. I knew my plan would make him mad but I didn't expect this. Note to self don't go to the underworld for a little while.

Back on his feet Barry began running back towards the beach. It didn't take him long at all the reach it. When he got there though he took in what was going on. In slow motion Barry watched as Percy was on the ground with Ares standing over him with his sword ready to strike.

Barry mind: what the heck is going on? There are cars on fire, police cars none the less. As I was running here there were civilians running away scared and now this. One of the Gods that helped us is against us. What is happening?

Barry didn't have to much time to think about it as Ares's sword was getting closer to Percy. Shooting forward Barry ran up to the two. He then grabbed Percy and moved him. Barry carried Percy up onto the bored walk where the others were at.

Barry: does someone want to explain to me what the heck is going on.

All four in the group were surprised to see Barry. None of them truly thought that they would ever see him again. A fact that made them all pretty sad. But now he's here, some how he escaped the underworld. The one most surprised though was Percy.

Percy: how did you......?

Barry: how did I what?

It was Annabeth's turn to speak now.

Annabeth: how did you escape the underworld?

Barry: I just did what I do best and ran. Now tell me how you guys ended up fighting the war god?

Percy: some how he was apart of the whole stolen lightning bolt plot.

Barry: how?

Annabeth: there apparently was a voice manipulating him.

Barry: what voice?

Annabeth: who knows.

They way she said it made Barry think that Annabeth had a pretty good idea about who it was. Right now wasn't the time to think about it though. At the moment there was an angry war god to deal with.

Ares: well look who decided to show up. Didn't think you'd gotten out of the underworld.

In the blink of an eye Barry ran off the bored walk and was standing in front of Ares.

Barry: and I never took you for someone else's lackey.

Ares was infuriated by Barry's comment.

Ares: I am no ones lackey.

Barry: could've fooled me.

Ares: ever since we first meet I've wanted to hurt you and now I have the chance.

Barry: can't hurt what you can't catch.

Ares: you're fast demigod I'll give you that but compared to a full God you're nothing.

Barry: care to but that to the test?

As Barry said that he was dropping down into a runners stance. Seeing this Ares got his sword ready. The two of them were ready for the fight that was about to come.

Ares: let's see how fast you really are.

Barry: let's.

With that Barry rocketed towards Ares at a speed only the God of war could track. The two began to blitz around the beach in a blur of speed. Ares was a lot faster then what Barry thought he would be. Still though Barry could tell that he wasn't as fast as Hades. Ares however did use a weapon to make up for that.
The two of them continued to race around the beach. Every once in a while when he could Barry would run in and throw a punch at Ares. The God of war however created a shield and managed to block all the punches. Then after Barry would throw the punches he would have to dodge the attacks from Ares's sword.
Those who were watching this fight, well they really weren't watching anything. To Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Sally all they were seeing was blurs moving all over the beach. While this fight lasted awhile to Barry and Ares, to the others it only lasted a few seconds.
Ares eventually managed to land a back hand strike on Barry when he came in for a punch. Luckily Barry didn't take the full force of the hit. He managed to turn his head with the attack in order to absorb most of it. It wasn't enough though and Barry was knocked to the ground.
The four watched as Barry thinks to his speed and Ares's attack went tumbling across the ground. He eventually came to a skidding stop on the sand of the beach. Barry just laid there for a second and let out a moan of pain.

Ares: guess who won! Shocker I know but who else did you think it would be? When it comes to fights you can't beat the God of war.

Barry: you.....haven't......won......yet......

Ares: oh come on kid you know you lost. You might as well give up now.

Barry: I haven't won yet because I've been holding back.

Ares: what did you say?

Ares was now in disbelief. There is no way a demigod would hold back against him. This kid must be going crazy.
Barry starts to stand back up off the ground. When he gets half way up though he falls back down to one knee. Barry realizes that Ares's blow must have taken more out of him then he thought. That doesn't matter though. Not now.

Ares: you can't even stand kid, there is no way you can win.

Barry: you tried to hurt my friends.

Ares: what?

Barry: you tried to hurt my friends and now you're going to pay for it.

Lightning blue electricity sparked in Barry's eyes. This time though it wasn't just his eyes. Lightning blue electricity began to arc off of him. As this was happening Barry was staring daggers into Ares. Then faster then we have ever seen him move before Barry shot towards Ares with the sole purpose of beating him.

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