Race for Goodbyes

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After the fight with Luke Barry gained what you would call street cred at camp. Apparently Luke was one of the best swordsmen and since Barry beat him without a weapon at all it was kind of a big deal. But other then a little bit of recognition here and there nothing much changed. So Barry went about his day like usual. He hung out with his friends, he hung out with his family, and he went to the camp activities as well. Barry was having a pretty good time. The only thing was that Barry knew it wouldn't last. He would eventually have to leave.
He wished he could stay at the camp, stay with his friends but he couldn't. Barry was having a great time there with his new friends and family. But the camp was still something that was apart of his dad. Barry tried not to think about it he really did. But he couldn't stop himself and when he did think about it, think about his dad, Barry got mad.
Barry knew he wouldn't stay forever. From the first minute he stepped foot in the camp Barry knew he would leave. Leave and most likely never come back. Knowing this Barry walked around the camp lost in his own mind, wounding if leaving was truly was the right thing to do.

Barry mind: out there I'm homeless, no place to truly live, well legally that is. Here though I do have a home. A home with family and friends. They only problem is that parts of my dad are here, parts I didn't know about and the more I learn about my dad the madder I get.

Barry then clinched his fist tightly with the thought of his father in his head. Then he stopped and let out a frustrated sigh before dropping his tired head.

Barry: maybe that little girl was right about my anger. Of course she did just vanish into thin air and nobody seemed to have noticed her ether so maybe I'm just going nuts.

???: well since you're talking to yourself about a girl no one else can see you might be right.

Surprised to hear someone talking to him Barry turned and faced his unexpected guest. Barry guessed from the fact that it was a more feminine voice that it would be a girl behind him and he was right. Standing there with a box of scraps in her hand was a girl around Barry's height. She had dark eyes, black hair and a even though she did basically just call him crazy Barry couldn't help but notice that she was very beautiful.

???: of course talking to yourself isn't the biggest indicator of insanity so you might be ok.

Barry: I'm sorry but who are you?

???: oh um I'm Christina McGee. But all my friends call me Tina. You can to if you want.

Barry: well high Tina I'm Ba........

Tina: Barry right? Yeah we all know about you. You've gain quite a reputation as a science guy in the arts and crafts class.

Barry: I guess I would have after trying to build some of the things I have.

Tina: yeah.

Barry: I figured my reputation would have been for fighting though since people know I beat my brother.

Tina: oh it is, around here fighting prowess is a pretty big deal but a lot of us over at Hephaestus cabin look at other stuff too. Such as things that involve building.

Barry was about to say something else to Tina, try and keep the conversation going. But before he could Tina spoke up again.

Tina: well I gotta get going, need to get these parts back to the cabin. I'll see you around Barry.

With that Tina ran off leaving Barry just standing there.

Barry: yeah I'll see you around.

Barry couldn't even bring himself to yell that last part, all he could do was just watch her leave. However Barry's focus was then forced away from Tina by commotion coming from the big house. Looking over Barry saw an injured Percy being carried in.

Barry: Percy!

At speeds faster then anyone around him could see Barry ran to his friend. In the blink of an eye he was in the big house.

Barry: what happened?

The one who answered him was Chiron.

Chiron: it would appear he was poisoned.

Barry: poisoned!

Chiron: don't worry Barry we gave Percy some nectar and ambrosia. Now he just needs rest and when he wakes up we'll find out what happened.

The wait for Percy to wake up was a long one, especially for Barry who's mind was racing thousands of miles a second. In his head he was going over everything that could have happened. The only thing that took his mind away was when Percy finally woke up.

Barry: Percy!

Percy: Barry?

Barry: Percy what happened? How did you get poisoned?

Percy: it was Luke. Luke poisoned me.

Barry honestly didn't know what to say. In these few days he had come to like his brother, they were a lot alike. Sure he hasn't known him long but it was still hard to believe he would poison his friend. Barry was so wrapped up in his own mind that he barely heard Percy explaining what had happened. He caught bits and pieces of it. What he did hear clearly though was them talking about someone being there for Annabeth.

Percy: who's here?

Annabeth: I just took your advice on something.

Now Barry really wanted to know what was going on. But before he could ask, his friend decided he wanted up. So Barry help Percy stand and the three of them made there way outside. There Barry learned that not just Annabeth but Percy as well were leaving camp to head back home and after Annabeth left with her family and Percy went to pack Barry was left there alone. But as he was alone he made his decision.

Barry: I'm going to go.

Barry wasn't talking to anyone in particular but some did hear him. The voice of that someone became all to familiar to Barry.

Chiron: judging from what I've been told about your life it would be best for you to stay.

Barry then turned and faced the centaur.

Barry: probably.

Chiron: it would be safer too.

Barry: most definitely.

Chiron: you won't be talked out of leaving will you?

Barry: not a chance.

Chiron: is there no way I can get you to stay?

Barry: well there is one.

Chiron: oh?

Barry: is it true how fast you centaur's are?

With a knowing smile on his face Chiron found himself standing next to Barry on the highway just outside of camp.

Chiron: so all I have to do is catch you and you'll stay at camp?

Barry: yup but that might be harder then it sounds.

Chiron: (smirked) whenever you're ready young one.

With that Barry took off at speeds that surprised the centaur but not enough to stop him from giving chase. The two found themselves running down the highway a speeds no normal person couldn't see. Barry was in front but Chiron was slowly catching up from behind him.

Chiron: time to go back to camp Mr.Allen.

Barry then did something that shocked Chiron. Barry turned around mid stride and faced the centaur while running backwards.

Barry: not today Chiron but I'll try to come back a visit you sometime horse man.

Barry then gave Chiron a two finger salute before turning around again and take off at an even faster speed then before. Barry ran off so fast that he was even a blur to Chiron. Seeing this Chiron slowed down before stopping in the middle of the road and continuing to watch the direction at which Barry had ran off in.

Chiron: be safe young hero.

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