Donuts, hydra, and a cannon

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Percy: thermos!

As the four of them fell to the water below Percy yelled. Of all the things he could have said, thermos is the one Barry didn't get. From the reaction that Barry could see Annabeth giving Percy she must have thought he had gone crazy as well. Then Barry saw Tyson going through Percy's duffel bag and to the speedsters surprise pulled out a thermos.

Barry: there is a thermos?

Percy grabbed the thermos and with uncertainty on his face he put his plan into action.

Percy: hang on!

Annabeth: I am hanging on!

Percy: tighter!

Barry: if I hang on any tighter I'll become one with the boat!

At that moment Tyson did his best to hold everyone down as Percy opened the thermos. With only opening the thermos a little the boat stopped falling downward and fell at more of a diagonal sideways. After hitting the water and bouncing like a rock for a few skips the four of them were off.
It didn't take long for the four to completely leave the princess andromeda behind. Once doing so Percy and Annabeth decided to try and contact Chiron. Not really having anything to say to the centaur himself Barry just went and stood at the front of their little boat.

Annabeth: be careful and don't fall in the water.

Barry: yes mother.

Annabeth gave Barry an annoyed look while the speedster just cheerfully smiled right back. Before the daughter of Athena looked away Barry could have sworn a small smile appeared on her face as well. Barry didn't dwell on it and looked out towards the sea. As he looked out he could have sworn he heard rock music coming from the iris message.

Barry mind: what the heck is going on?

Barry then felt the boat vibrate as the music from Chirons end of the message got turned up. Then all of a sudden the misty screen of the iris message was gone.

Barry: sooo....learn anything knew?

Percy: yeah, Chirons relatives are really party animals.

After an hour of zipping across the water the four passengers in the speeding yellow lifeboat reached Virginia Beach. This was made even more impressive when Percy used his previously unknown ability of perfect sea bearings to tell them that they traveled 530 nautical miles.

Barry: and to think in that whole time we managed to only freaked out one coast guard crew. I think that's a new record.

Annabeth: a new record for what?

Barry: for not causing trouble.

Percy: you think so do you?

Barry: yeah way?

Annabeth, Percy, and Tyson all at the same time pointed behind Barry. When he looked Barry saw that same coast guard ship flashing it's lights and coming straight at them. Barry just hung his head in defeat.

Barry: never mind.

Percy: we need to go. They'll ask to many questions.

Annabeth: keep going to Chesapeake Bay, I know a place where we can hide.

No one asked how she knew her way around, all they did was listen to Annabeth. It didn't take long for them to escape the coast guard and find themselves out of the sea. Now the four of them floated down a river.

Annabeth: their past that sandbar.

Percy following Annabeth's directions took them into a more swampy area. They didn't stay on the water long though and eventually went ashore.

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