Running of the Bulls

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Percy honestly thought that this day couldn't get any worse then it already had. First he's told that he my not get to head back to camp half-blood for the summer. Then he and Tyson get picked on by three of the schools bully's. Percy had really wished that he could pull out riptide at that point, not to hurt them but scare them. Then two of those bully's turned out to be cyclopses. Percy really really wished he could pull out riptide then but he didn't have his pin sword on him, his typical luck. The cyclopses then destroyed the school gym only for him to get blamed for it.
For most people the bad luck for the day would end there, but this is Percy's life and he isn't most people. Annabeth who showed up out of the blue then told him that camp half-blood was in trouble. This was followed up by a crazy taxi ride that gave him completely useless information while simultaneously almost killing him. But the true icing on the cake was what the camp was being attacked by, according to Annabeth, Colchis Bulls. Percy though didn't care what they were called, all he could see was that the giant bronze bulls were Tearing up the camp and he had to do something.
Actually having riptide with him this time Percy pulled out his pen sword and charged headlong into the fight. Thangs then quickly became clear that the fight wasn't going his way. Percy hadn't trained since last summer and even he could tell how sloppy his fighting had gotten. Because of that bad swordsmanship Percy found himself being charged down by one of the bulls. As he waited for the attack to come he heard Annabeth yell to Tyson, who had come with them, about something. Then in the distance Percy could hear what sounded like a gunshot or a crack of thunder.
Percy with a massive bronze bull charging at him didn't have time to think about what was going on. All he could do was watch as the monster got closer and closer and then a huge blast of fire shot from the bull. Seeing this Percy closed his eyes and waited for the impact of the blazing fire flying his way. But it never came. Quickly opening them Percy looked and to his amazement Tyson was standing in front of him and had, to Percy's shock and awe, took the full blast of fire.

Percy: Tyson!

Before Percy could fully realize what was happening time seemed to slowly crawl to a stop. This however wasn't happening for everyone, this slow down of time only happened for one person. Taking the last step over half blood hill Barry, who had just arrived, stopped moving and took in his surroundings that seemed to be frozen in time.

Barry mind: the letter was right, the camp is in trouble. That still doesn't answer the question of who wrote it and how they knew the camp needed help. I can worry about that later though.

Barry then took in the situation.

Barry mind: ok there's two giant bronze bulls and at least one of them can shoot fire, the other probably can too. A bunch of campers seem to be having trouble fighting one and Percy looks like he's about to be turned into a roasted fish stick by the other. Well let's do this then.

Barry cracking his knuckles quickly ran headlong into the fight, much like another boy did not to long ago. In no time Barry was standing at the side of the bull attacking the group of campers. Then with a light push he sent the bronze bull flying in the direction of the other one. Barry had learned that if he used the moment from his speed he could actually move things that he would not normally have the strength to. What he didn't expect though was when his hands made contact with the bull they immediately began to fill with a stinging burning feeling.

Barry: Hot! Hot! Hot! What the hell!?!

With his hands burning Barry ended up slowing down to normal speed as he swung them around in order to try and cool them off. As he did the other campers watched in surprise as one of the bulls was sent flying and collided with the other. A lot of them then turned to Barry and watched as he shook his hands to get ride of the burning pain still coursing threw them.
Confusion ran through everyone as they tried to figure out what had happened, everyone except for one. Annabeth after seeing the second bull collide with the first looked around to find answers to her questions. Upon seeing the interesting site of Barry quickly shaking his smoking hands she was able to peace together what had happened. After that she went to check on Percy to make sure he was ok. Then she would have to check on Barry.

Annabeth mind: I better not end up the babysitter for this group.

Barry's hands eventually stopped burning, the smoke though continued to roll off of them though. His smoking hands were the least of his worries however as Clarisse the daughter of Ares, the god of war and someone who isn't to big of a fan of Barry, made her way over. While Barry wasn't facing her as she walked over, if he had been the speedster would have seen that she wasn't happy, not even a little. But judging by her tone when she spoke to him Barry got the idea.

Clarisse: where in Hades did you come from!

Hearing the shouted question from Clarisse Barry turned to face the heavily armed angry girl.

Barry: what?

Clarisse: I asked where you came from Barry!?! You weren't there a second ago, now you are and both of the Colchis Bull are destroyed! So what the heck is going on nerd!?!

The last time Barry was at camp he managed to keep his powers a secret. He learned that even among the others demigods his powers were different. Unlike other kids like Percy, his power didn't come from his godly parent. Only a small number of people know he has his super speed. Now because of keeping his powers a secret he had to come up with an answer for Clarisse. The problem however was that Barry for the life of him could not thank of a answer to give to her.


Luckily for Barry one of the few people who did know about his powers came to his aid. Before he knew it Annabeth was by his side. And apparently she fully understood what was happening.

Annabeth: don't stray away from us like that next time Barry.

Barry: what?

Annabeth: I know you're still knew to all this fighting stuff but you can't just run head first into a fight, especially if you have no way to fight at all. It's not safe.

Clarisse then turned her attention from Barry to Annabeth.

Clarisse: you knew the nerd was here?

Annabeth: of course I knew Barry was here.

Annabeth made sure to us Barry's name in a way to convey to Clarisse that she didn't like her calling Barry names and that it would be in her best interest to stop.

Annabeth: Barry had arrived with me and Percy after all.

Clarisse had an angry look on her face and Barry could tell that she wanted to say a lot but she didn't. Instead she shot a look at Barry and then at Percy who was walking up to them. She then looked at Annabeth.

Clarisse: make sure to keep them out of my way from now on.

Clarisse then turned around and began to walk away.

Annabeth: where're you going?

Clarisse: to help get the injured medical attention, I suggest you do the same.

Annabeth: right, then we'll go talk to Chiron about what's been happening after.

Clarisse then stopped and turned to look at Annabeth, Percy, and Barry. She then turned back around and continued walking. But as she did she called back over to them.

Clarisse: perhaps you can catch him before he leaves.

That's all Clarisse said but it was all that needed to be said.

Percy/Annabeth/Barry: leaves?

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