Speed dial with a rainbow

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In a strange turn of events Barry some how ended up on a train heading to Denver with a bunch of people he didn't know. Some how he got roped into going on a quest to get Zeus's master bolt back. Now Barry could have left if he wanted to. I mean he has the power. But for some reason he was curious about all of this. He didn't really want to find out about his father. Barry didn't care to much for the guy. But the rest of the demigod world, he wanted to learn more about. So here he is.
Afternoon the next day the train they were on finally reached Denver. For Barry riding the train had to been the most boring thing he ever did. He probably could have reached Denver from St.Louis in a matter of minutes if he wanted to. Sure he learned more about the quest they were on and the demigod world. But after that it was nothing but waiting and trust me when you have super-speed waiting sucks.
When the four of them finally stepped off the train they were all tired and hungry. None of them had eaten since Kansas the night before. Barry offered to get them food but the three made it clear that stealing was going to be a no no. But none of them were hurting like Barry was do to his sped up metabolism. Still he did what they asked and didn't steel a thing.

Annabeth: let's try and contact Chiron.

Barry: the centaur at that camp of yours?

Annabeth: yeah. I want to tell him about Percy's talk with the river spirit.

You see while on the train Percy stepped out to go use the bathroom. While washing his hands a river spirit apparently contacted him through the water in the sink. Barry still doesn't get how a river spirit can use sink water. I mean are they even the same.

Percy: we can't use phones right?

Barry: why can't we use phones?

Annabeth: tell you later. And I'm not talking about using a phone, now come on.

They wondered through downtown for about half an hour. The whole time Barry tried to get Annabeth's attention. She would always tell him that she's to busy looking and would explain what ever he wanted to know later. What she didn't know was that all Barry wanted to know was what they were looking for. If he knew then they could find it faster by using his super-speed.
Eventually Barry just gave up. Instead he started talking to Grover. Learning more about Demigods from him. They continued to talk until they came upon a do it yourself car wash.

Barry: really.

Annabeth: what?

Barry: this is what you've been looking for?

Annabeth: yeah, why, what's wrong?

Barry: oh nothing it's just that I could have found this for you twenty minutes ago.

Annabeth: oh really and how would you have done that?

Barry: have you not figured out what my ability is? Wow I figured the daughter of the goddess of wisdom would have done that by now.

Annabeth: just explain!

Barry: I'm fast.

Percy: what do you mean?

Barry: I mean I can move really fast.

Annabeth: how fast?

Barry: let's just say if I wanted to I could make it from one end of the state to the other in no time.

The three didn't want to believe him when he said it but him moving fast explains a lot. How Barry was able to get both Percy and the civilians out of the arch in no time at all. But there was still one thing that didn't make since to Annabeth.

Annabeth: that does explain a lot but I've never heard of any demigod gaining that kind of power from there parents.

Barry: I didn't get this ability from my dad but from an accident.

Annabeth: what kind of Accident?

Barry: it a long story. I'll explain it later but just remember that if we need to find something fast just ask.

Percy: trust us we will. Now Annabeth why exactly are we at a car wash?

Percy's question pulled Annabeth from her thoughts about how Barry got his powers and back to the task at hand.

Annabeth: right the reason we're here is to im camp half blood.

Percy: instant message?

Annabeth: iris message.

Both Percy and Barry watched in confusion as Grover took the quarter from Percy to turn on the water. Then Annabeth took his drachma. She tossed it into the rainbow made by the water and said a few words. Next thing they knew the scene changed and all of them were looking at camp half blood. And standing in the center of the picture was a guy with sandy hair and an orange tank top. Seeing this Barry leaned over towards Percy.

Barry: is that Chiron?

Percy: what? Oh no.

Percy turned back to the mist screen.

Percy: Luke!

The man turned around and his eyes widened.

Luke: Percy and Annabeth to, thank the gods your alright.

Barry watched as the interaction took place. First he noticed that Percy acted like he just seen an old friend. Then he seen how Annabeth acted, she must have a crush on him. Then Barry noticed Luke. There was something about him. He got both a familiarity and an uneasy vibe from him. Barry didn't know what it was but he didn't like it. As this was going on Luke noticed Barry.

Luke: who's that?

Percy: this is Barry. He's a demigod that we ran into back in St.Louis.

Before Luke could say anything his smile faded as he looked off in the distance. Percy asked what was going on. Luke said something about preparations for war but before he could go into any more detail a big Lincoln Continental blaring it's speakers pulled in next to them.
Annabeth seeing this as a opportunity to get away grabbed Grover and walked over to the car. That just left Barry and Percy. Barry however seeing this as a conversation just between the two decided to peak over at what was going on. What he saw made him laugh. Never before has he seen a man try to eat another mans car. The drive eventually got back in his car and drove away screaming.
Annabeth and Grover then made there way back over to Percy while laughing there heads off. Barry walked back over as well. Annabeth and Grover both stopped laughing when they saw Percy's face.

Annabeth: what happened? What did Luke say?

Percy: nothing. Come on let's find some dinner.

Barry: that's the best plan I've heard yet.

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