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Barry couldn't believe the gift he was given, he also couldn't believe that it was all Hephaestus wanted to see them for. But hear he was, carrying a box of shoes, heading back towards the beach with Tyson. So far Hephaestus only wanted to help Barry by giving him the shoes and then let him leave. Barry was having a hard time wrapping his head around it, it was a complete contradiction to what he thought of the Gods up until now.

Barry mind: maybe all the Gods aren't like Hermes.

As soon as he thought it Barry instantly changed his mind.

Barry mind: no Hephaestus talked about controlling minds didn't he. Besides just because he didn't ask for anything for the shoes now doesn't mean he won't later.

So Barry resolved not to wear the shoes given to him by Hephaestus. Still though even with that decision there were still whispers in the back of his mind. Whispers telling Barry he might have judged all the Gods to harshly based on the action of Hermes.

Barry mind: I don't know what to think anymore.

When Barry and Tyson got back to the beach the two found that Rainbow was waiting for them just off shore.

Tyson: Rainbow!

Tyson turned to look at Barry.

Tyson: Barry, Rainbow came back!

Barry: I guess we don't have to worry about figuring out how to get off the island.

Not wasting any time both Tyson and Barry made their way out to Rainbow. Once the two were on and ready to go the Hippocampus seemed to buck like a horse and splash water on them. Tyson was thrilled by Rainbows excitement while Barry was only slightly entertained.
After calming itself down a little Rainbow began heading back out to sea. While Barry wasn't to sure of it he believed that they were even heading back out onto their original course. As they made it a certain distance out Barry began to hear the sound of boiling water. Looking back Barry could see that around the island the water had begun to boil and bubble once again.

Barry: I guess their back to doing whatever it is they were doing before.

Tyson: cyclopses back to working the forge.

Hearing him talk about the cyclopses and the forge Barry remembered something.

Barry: Tyson I forgot to tell you while we were in the forge but good job. You'll make a fine leader someday.

Barry couldn't see Tyson's face do to sitting behind him but he could hear it in his voice.

Tyson: thank you so much friend.

Barry: don't worry about it.

Tyson: and I'm sure that one day you and your dad will love each other again.

Barry didn't know what to do, what Tyson just said managed to bring him anger. The idea that he would ever be close to that man was impossible in Barry's mind. Barry quickly realized however that Tyson shouldn't be on the receiving end of his anger, he doesn't deserve that. Tyson was only trying to be nice, but Barry did became confused about one thing.

Barry: Tyson how did you know me and......

Barry struggled to continue the sentence but did anyway.

Barry: my father were having troubles?

Tyson: I heard you.

The answer was so simple that Barry hated that he didn't come to the conclusion on his own.

Barry: well buddy I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Tyson: why?

Barry: let's not worry about that right now.

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