Things break

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Barry was surprised that Polyphemus could even move at the moment given what happened. The cyclops choked on a rock, was punched with insane amounts of force, fell off a cliff, and still he's coming after them. He may not have liked the guy but Barry had to admit he was persistent.

Polyphemus: you young cyclops! Traitor to your kind!

Percy tried to pull Tyson with him to the ship but he might as well tried to pull a mountain.

Tyson: I am not a traitor.

Polyphemus: you serve mortals, thieving humans!

Polyphemus threw a boulder at Tyson who proceeded to swat it away as soon as it was within arms reach.

Tyson: not a traitor and you are not my kind!

Polyphemus: death or victory!

Polyphemus charged straight at Tyson and Percy. His foot was hurt though and immediately fell on his face. Barry who was watching the whole thing from the ship and couldn't help but to burst out laughing. That is until he watched the Cyclops get back up. That's when Barry knew things were about to get bad.

Barry: Clarisse!

Clarisse: what!

Barry: get those two in here!

Barry pointed at Tyson and Percy. Clarisse looked at at them before looking back at Barry.

Clarisse: why!? I'm not their babysitter!

Even though that's what she said Clarisse didn't wait for Barry to respond and immediately turned back around. Barry watched as she waded through the water back to Tyson and Percy. While Barry couldn't hear what Clarisse said he did see her jester to the two to fallow. Clarisse then turned around and began making her way back but to Barry's frustration she wasn't fallowed.

Barry: why aren't the coming!?

Annabeth: maybe they're worried about Polyphemus fallowing.

Barry: (sighed in realization) their trying to give Clarisse and Grover time to get to the ship.

Annabeth: Percy being the hero again.

Barry: but he does know that he could just use his powers to quickly get all of them to the ship and get us out of her before what's his name gets even close though right?

Annabeth: (sigh) this is seaweed brain we're talking about.

Barry: true.

Barry watched as Polyphemus launched another boulder at his friends. This act caused Percy to dive to one side but Tyson just punched the boulder destroying it. Then Percy got up and used his powers to create a wave that would slam into Polyphemus while also letting him vault over the cyclops and land behind him.

Barry mind: that was pretty cool.

The fight continued until Polyphemus began to bellow. He talked about how Tyson and him are brothers. He also said that the only reason they were fighting was because Tyson just wasn't raised right. As the incident occurred no one moved a muscle, not even Tyson.

Polyphemus: poor orphan brother help me!

Barry watched in disbelief as Tyson walked toward Polyphemus with his hands up defensively.

Barry: no Tyson! What are you doing!?!

Tyson: don't fight cyclops brother. Put down the.......

Tyson was going to say club as that's what Polyphemus was using as a weapon. Before he could though Polyphemus took that olive tree club and struck Tyson so had it would have killed even a fully trained demigod. But all it did to Tyson was launch him all the way back to the beach. While Tyson laid stunned in the sand trench he created on impact Polyphemus charged him. He probably would have reached him too if he wasn't first stabbed in the rear by Percy.

Barry: (visibly flinches in pain) oh I bet that hurt.

Barry's assumption was proven correct when Polyphemus bleated out in pain like one of his sheep. Still though that didn't stop the Cyclops from retaliating by swinging his tree club at Percy. Barry saw that his friend managed to dodge the main obstacle but was still racked across the back by the branches still attached to the tree.

Barry mind: I need to do something!

Before he could though Polyphemus swung his tree club at Percy again and again the son of Poseidon dodged. This time though Percy grabbed one of the branches and let himself be carried till he was right above the cyclops. Once there Percy let go of the branch and fell feet first into Polyphemus's still bad eye. All the cyclops could do was yell in pain but he didn't really have time for that either as Tyson had recovered and tackled Polyphemus.

Barry mind: although it seems like those two have this under control.

Now Polyphemus was down and Percy had his sword to the cyclops's heart. Barry watched as for a second nothing happened. Then all of a sudden Percy said something to Tyson then the young cyclops pushed Polyphemus away with a mighty shove. The two then began to quickly make their way to the ship. But the whole time they did a thought kept going through Barry's mind, one that honestly scared him.

Barry mind: why didn't Percy kill him? He should have killed him!

Before he could ask himself why such a thought would be going through his head he heard the unmistakable yelling of Clarisse.

Clarisse: yeah Jackson! In your face cyclops!

Barry then watched as Polyphemus threw a boulder towards the sound of Clarisse's voice. Lucky for them it fell short. You would think that a action like that would teach someone not to do something, in this case taunting a person who can throw boulders. But for Clarisse's that wasn't the case.

Clarisse: you throw like a wimp!

The next thing Barry knew there was another boulder flying their way. Thinking faster then a super computer Barry tried to remember anything he could that might help. In what felt to him like a minute an idea came to him. They needed the ship to get away so just taking his friends off isn't an option, that meant the only thing he could do was destroy the rock. Once he had come to that conclusion a memory came back to him. Barry had read some where that a blade that vibrates back and forth can cut through things much tougher then the blade itself.

Barry mind: to bad I can't test this technique out first.

Clarisse was shocked to see the boulder flying straight at her. Before her instincts could kick in though Barry was already in front of her. Barry had his arm drawn back and was vibrating his fist as fast as he could.

Barry mind: I really hope this works.

Everything moving in slow motion, the boulder, the waves of the ocean, Clarisse attempting to dive to the side, everything, except for Barry. Barry with his fist vibrating as fast as it could go. As soon as the Boulder thrown by Polyphemus was in striking distance he acted. Barry threw a straight punch at the peace of earth and watched as it shattered into pieces on impact. Unfortunately that wasn't the only thing to shatter.
Time resumed to normal speed for Barry as he grabbed his hand in pain. There was no doubt in his mind that bonds were broken. The pain was so intense that Barry didn't notice the skull sized peace of boulder flying at him.

Clarisse: look out Barry!

Barry didn't know what she was talking about til he had already been hit across the head by the peace of rubble. After that Barry didn't remember much do to going in and out of consciousness. The first memory he had after getting hit was Clarisse trying to get to him as the ship looked like it was sinking. The next was Barry's view of his friends being carried away by what looked to be hippocampus's. The final image was of a person swimming towards him as he lay on the bottom of the ocean floor containing to bleed from his head wound. After that everything went black as full unconsciousness took him.

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