Speedster on the ropes

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After seeing how many days they had left Annabeth got all four of them into a cad. Once in the cab Annabeth told the driver that they needed to get to Las Angeles. The driver looked at them with skepticism but who wouldn't when four disheveled kids get in a cab and ask for a three hundred mile drive. For a drive like that the driver wanted the money up front. Apparently that was ok because Annabeth immediately handed him the lotus casino card. After the card read infinity on the meter machine they had no trouble.
The cab took off like a rocket towards Las Angeles. The cab driver must have really wanted that extra money Annabeth promised him. They showed no signs of slowing down. While Percy, Annabeth, and Grover were a little rattled by the cabs speed Barry was completely relaxed. Something going this slow didn't bother him at all. He was so calm that he was able to get some much needed rest. After what happened at the hotel he was left pretty exhausted. He was able to fall asleep pretty easily.
When Barry fell asleep however he dreamt the same dream he has nearly every night. He was back at his childhood home and so was the man in yellow. Again the man killed his mom and again he revealed his face to Barry only for Barry to see himself with red eyes.
While the dream would usually end right there, this time it didn't. Now Barry was in a pitch black room. There was nothing around that he could see and when he tried to talk no word came out. This was weird, Barry has never had a dream like this before. Barry tried to wake himself up but right as he did he began to hear a voice.
The voice that came was deep and menacing. Barry didn't want to admit it but it did intimidate him a little. He wasn't going to back off though.

???: so this is the special one, the one with immense speed, the one who could challenge his father. You don't look like much boy.

Barry wanted to talk back but couldn't.

???: why help the Gods that abandoned you when you could help me. You could rule by my side. Think about it young demigod.

It was then that Barry was shaken awake, this time by Grover. Apparently they had arrived in Las Angeles. When they got out they were at the beach in Santa Monica. All four of them made there way down to the ocean. Percy continued on however until he was completely under the water. This left only Annabeth, Grover, and Barry on the beach.

Annabeth: what were you dreaming about?

She turned to Barry when she asked the question.

Barry: oh it was nothing, just a recurring nightmare.

Annabeth: when it comes to demigod dreams Barry they usually tend to not be nothing, especially the recurring ones.

Barry: thanks for the concern but I really don't won't to talk about it.

Annabeth: ok but if you change your mind.......

Barry: (smiles at Annabeth) I'll come and find you.

It got quite for a little bit but Barry spoke again.

Barry: so where are we going after this?

Annabeth: the underworld.

Barry: and where's that?

Annabeth: DOA recording studios, the entrance to the underworld.

Barry: again where's that?

Annabeth: that I don't know.

Barry: no problem I'll be right back.

Annabeth: wait wh.........

Before she could finish Barry took off away from the beach and into the city. He began to run all over the city looking for the recording studio. It was tuff because he really didn't know where to even begin looking for the place. Eventually Barry had to stop for some food. Having not eaten in awhile he was getting really light headed.
For the first time in what has been quite awhile he didn't have to steal his food. Thinks to the lotus card that he still had in his pocket he was able to buy what he needed. And what he needed right now was a buffet. After replenishing his fuel he continued his search for the studio. Barry was going so fast that he nearly missed it once he found it.

Barry: it's a good thing I process things fast otherwise I would have missed the building. Now that I found it I just need to tell the others.

Barry ran all the way back to the beach. When he got there though his friends were gone. He looked around but couldn't see them anywhere. They must have left before he got back.

Barry: now where did they run off to?

Kicking it into gear again Barry ran off to find the others. Believing that they couldn't have gone far Barry stuck to searching the surrounding areas. This proved his assumption to be correct as he did eventually find them.
Hearing shouts coming from a water bed store Barry decided to quickly check it out. It's a good thing he did because that's were his friends where. Tied to two beds were Annabeth and Grover. They were getting stretched out.
Still moving fast Barry ran into the store. Using his speed he snapped all the ropes holding both Annabeth and Grover. Then after getting the two off the beds Barry ran over to Percy and the tall man who had him by the neck.
Barry first took the mans had off of Percy. Then Barry pushed the guy. Seeing that his work was done he finally slowed down. When he did the tall man was pushed to the other side of the room.

Barry: that takes care of that.

Percy: what just happened?

Barry: I did.

Annabeth: what did you do?

Barry: I just saved you and Grover from becoming a foot taller.

Annabeth: haha very funny.

Barry: thank you, I also found the DOA recording studios.

Percy: you managed to find it?

Barry: yes I did, now let's get going! The entrance to the underworld is waiting for us!

Grover: you're way to up beat about this.

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