Fight in the Arch

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The elevator reached the top of the arch and everyone began to get out. The first few to step out were the group of kids. Once out the boy named Grover began watching for the demigod.

Annabeth: do you know who it is yet?

Grover: no but it's not like there was that many people in the elevator.

???: what are you guys talking about?

Annabeth: Percy Grover thinks he picked up a sent of another demigod.

Grover: not think, I know I did.

Percy: a demigod like us?

Annabeth: yes seaweed brain.

Grover: it him!

Grover pointed towards the one the sent was coming from. The one he was pointing at had on red shoes, a red shirt, blue jeans, and was wearing a familiar backpack with a lightning bolt on it. The one Grover had been smelling was Barry.

Percy: are you sure it's him?

Grover: 100% that's him.

Percy: well then let's go talk to him.

Annabeth: wait.

Percy: what?

Annabeth: we're on a quest right now remember?

Percy: yeah and?

Annabeth: and we can't just take him with us. The best we can do is contact camp and tell Chiron about him.

Grover: yes but he has a strong sent, definitely an Olympians kid, plus he's around that age when monsters will start coming after him weather he knows about his parent or not. We can't just leave him.

Annabeth: but contacting camp is the best we can do right now.

Percy: she has a point g man.

Annabeth: now let's enjoy the arch while we can.

Grover: you guys go ahead, I'm going to check on the kid some more.

Percy: whatever you say.

With his plan in mind Grover made his way over to Barry. This was it. If he could keep Percy safe on there quest and bring back another demigod, especially one that is probably the son of an Olympian, then he would definitely get his searchers license. They would have to be crazy not to give him one for this. He was nervous though. Even so Grover walked right up next to Barry.

Grover: hi.

Barry look at Grover with a confused expression on his face. He had no idea why this stranger was talking to him. Even so Barry decided to be nice.

Barry: hey.

Grover: sooooo do you have a parent who isn't around?

Barry was about to respond till he full processed what Grover had said. When that happened Barry words got stuck in his throat and he just stood there with his mouth wide open. Grover realized how his question sounded and tried to back track his words. But it was already to late.

Grover: I'm sorry I didn't mean to, well what I meant to ask was, well you see it's just...........

Barry: I think you better go.

Grover: r-right, sorry.

With that Grover made his way back to Percy with his head down in defeat.

Percy: what's wrong g man?

Grover: I completely bombed that's what.

Percy: you'll get'em next time.

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