Escape the Underworld

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When Barry first thought of the plan to both get back Percy's mom and keep the lighting bolt he didn't see it ending with him surrounded by an army of undead soldiers. On every side of him was a skeleton soldier with a gun pointed straight at him. The only reason they haven't started trying to kill him yet was because of an even bigger problem in Barry's eyes. An angry God of the underworld.
Hades was fuming with anger now. He couldn't believe that a demigod had the nerve to trick him. He was one of the big three. The eldest of his brothers. He deserved respect but this boy thought that he could just trick him. Well Hades was going to show this boy why you don't try to trick the lord of the underworld. Even Heracles didn't have the nerve to try that.

Hades: for tricking me I'm going to make sure that the rest of eternity for you is as painful as possible.

Barry: what if I escape?

Hades: no one has ever escaped me boy.

Barry: I thought I remembered Annabeth telling me about a few demigods that did.

Hades: they left the underworld because I aloud them to. You boy will not be so lucky.

Barry: so you're saying that if I get out of here then I will be the first who actually did truly escape the underworld.

A smirk then found its way onto Barry's face. It was a smirk that Hades had come to be annoyed by. One that reminded him all to much of a certain Olympian.

Hades mind: so that's his father. Makes sense.

Barry: fame hear I come.

Hades: you won't escape.

Barry: sure I will......

Barry then pulls out his red sunglasses and puts them on.

Barry: all I need is a little speed.

In a blur of motion Barry began running around Hades throne room. As he did Barry began punching every undead soldier in his way. First he needed to get ride of any problems then he would make his escape. The only problem was that while doing this he completely forgot about Hades. And now said God sped in front of him blocking his path.

Barry mind: ok he's faster then I thought.

Hades then tried to back hand Barry. Key word in that is tried. Hades maybe fast but Barry is no slow poke ether. When Hades threw the back hand Barry quickly leaned back dodging the attack. Hades seeing that he mist stepped forward and threw another attack but again Barry dodged it. Hades then threw a few more with Barry dodging them. Barry then decided to go on the offensive and push Hades after his last attack.

Barry mind: take this!

Hades did and to Barry's surprise it was him who went stumbling back. Barry didn't fall but he did have to catch himself. That's when he heard Hades begin to laugh. It was not a pleasant laugh ether.

Hades: I'm a god boy did you really think simply pushing me would work?

Barry: I mean it was worth a try.

After that the throne room to Hades palace became a whirlwind of things getting thrown around. Both Barry and Hades went around and around. Hades was looking to really hurt Barry. While the latter on the other hand was just trying to stay ahead of the angry god and not die. 
In that palace nothing was spared. Hades would destroy things with his attacks. At one point Barry hit the god of the underworld with a vase that was just sitting there.

Hades: You insolent brat! That was a Ming Vase! My wife loved that Vase!

Barry: I thought it looked expensive.

Hades: you just keep pushing your luck. I am going to thoroughly enjoy torturing you.

Barry mind: ok I really need to get out of here. Just need to think of a way to distract him. Just got to think. What do I know about Hades that could help?.......... I got it!

Barry then stood up straight and bowed his head ever so slightly. He was trying his best to look as formal as possible. He needed to if this was going to work.

Hades: it's to late to try and appeal to my better nature boy!

Barry: lady Persephone it's an honor to meet you.

Hades: Persephone?

Hades surprised by this turn of events quickly turned to where Barry was bowing. When he fully faced that direction Hades saw that there was no one there. If you thought Hades was mad before then you wouldn't want to be with him now. Making him believe his wife was there when she really wasn't is a huge no no. Unfortunately for him Barry took that moment of distraction to bolt of of the room at high speed.
In less then a few seconds Barry was all the way across the underworld and coming up on the river styx. Unfortunately Hades was coming up behind him at an amazing speed as well.

Barry: man this guy just doesn't give up.

While most people would probably slow down as they reached the river styx, Barry was not most people. Little known fact when Barry reaches a certain speed his clothes begin to pay the price. So to avoid that he intentionally goes a lot slower then his top speed. That doesn't mean he won't kick it up a notch when he needs to and right now with Hades behind him he does.
Barry's legs begin to take longer strides. The shoes on his feet start to ripe off. Slowly he begins to pull away from Hades. Now the only obstacle left is the river. Barry takes a step off the shore towards the water. When his foot finally hits the water it doesn't sink like it should. Barry then takes another step, then another till it's clear that he is in fact running on water.
It took Barry less then a second to get across the river. Where on the other side he found a set of stairs leading up. Following them Barry found himself back in the recording studio before continuing to run back out into the land of the living.

Barry mind: time to find my friends.

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