The unexpected departure

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To say she was surprised would be the wrong word to use in this moment. A better one would for what Annabeth was feeling right now was shock. Ever since she first came to camp-half blood as a little girl Chiron had always been there, always was the activities director. Even before her time, in a time before she had even been born that's what he was. But now the Gods had pretty much fired him. Told him to get his things and get out.

Annabeth: but surely they don't believe you had anything to do with it!?

Chiron: no many don't but that doesn't mean Zeus isn't still angry.

Barry stood off to the side not saying anything and instead just listened to what was going on. Not to long after entering into the big house the three of them, Percy, Annabeth, and himself, discovered that Thalia's tree had been poisoned. They also learned that it was because of this that Chiron had been fired from his job at camp. Barry may not have known Chiron for very long but it wasn't hard to see that even though the centaur but up a brave front he was actually devastated about not being activities director anymore. It was clear to Barry that he truly loved it.

Percy: it was Luke! Luke's the one who poisoned Thalia's tree!

There it was, they all knew it but Percy was the only one that would say it. Luke Castellan is the son of Hermes and Barry's half brother. Much like Barry Luke also had a dislike for their father. When he and Luke were talking though Barry had a feeling that Luke's anger towards Hermes was different. While Barry just wanted to stay away from anything that had to do with their dad, Luke's anger seemed to make him want more. At the time Barry didn't know how much more, how much farther Luke would go. Now he did.

Barry: when me and Luke talked last summer it was obvious that he hated are dad just as much as I did. But it was also obvious that he wanted to do more then just ignore are father like I did. I didn't know how far he would go, but I guess we all do now.

Chiron: yes but with Thalia's tree dying the lengths to which Luke will go are less important. Without the barrier the camp be in danger of monsters over running and destroying it.

Barry: you're like thousands of years old, can't you do something?

Chiron: unfortunately the poisoned used on the tree is even older then I. As of now the tree has only a few weeks left.........

Then he paused. Chiron had an idea and was written all over his face. Only Barry who was faster then most could quickly study him and see that the idea was dangerous by the look in the centaur's old eyes.

Chiron: unless.........

Annabeth: unless what?

Chiron shook his head.

Chiron: no, a foolish thought. The whole valley is feeling the shock of the poison, the borders are deteriorating, the camp itself is dying, only one source of magic will be strong enough to reverse the poison and it was lost centuries ago.

Percy: what is it? We'll go find it.

What happened next Barry really didn't pay attention to. After hearing Chiron talking about the state of the camp, Barry's mind went back to the mysterious letter that showed up in his house. Not many could find out were he lived and even less of those people would know about the camp and the situation it's in.

Barry: Chiron?

Chiron stopped on his way out the door and turned to the speedster.

Chiron: yes Barry?

Barry: I got a letter about 15 min ago saying that the camp was in danger, was it from you?

Chiron gained a look of surprising, then one of a man deep in thought, then he spoke.

Chiron: no Barry it wasn't me and until you find out who it is from it would be best to exercise caution. Not many know about what is happening here, and not all of those who do can be trusted.

Before Chiron finally left he warned against any actions to be taken hastily. Chiron wanted them to stay safe, to train, to become ready for whatever may happen. While Chiron was telling them this though Barry couldn't help but think about the one responsible for what was happening. Sure his brother may have been the one to poison the tree, but he wasn't the one pulling the strings. That job was for Kronos.
Barry learned of Kronos last summer after Luke had left. While Barry didn't have much time to learn from Chiron about who Kronos was while he was at camp, he got the gist. He was a bad Godly Titan, something Barry thought it was rich for the Greek Gods with all their oh so amazing deeds to humanity to consider another divine deity bad.
With the thought of Kronos being responsible for the camp's problems, Annabeth tearing up, and Percy angery, Barry watched Chiron leave. Barry couldn't help but wonder though, with Chiron gone how would the camp fare. Would it be ok.

Barry mind: sure the camp still has Mr.D but that's not exactly comforting. And what about the new camp director, is he going to be just as good as Chiron?

The horn for dinner sounded and after watching Chiron leave Barry made his way over to the pavilion to eat with his family.

Barry mind: with Chiron gone and with the state that the camp is in it might be best for me to stick around for a little bit.

What came next was a lot of big changes all at once, well two big changes really. The first being that Tantalus was replacing Chiron as the new camp activities director. After Barry saw what Tantalus looked like he thought they should have just kept one of the bronze bulls to be the activities director, it would have been just as safe. The second was that Percy was no longer the only son of Poseidon at camp. Tyson his friend and Cyclops was apparently a son of Poseidon too. At first Barry didn't know what to make of the Tyson but after watching him for a little bit Barry saw that he was just a massive teddy bear. That is if teddy bears were fireproof and could easily rip your head off.
Watching Tyson come to understand that Percy was his brother was nice. However Barry could see that Percy didn't share Tyson's excitement. Barry thought he looked like he was in disbelief, confusion, and just a little bit of anger all at once.
Barry wanted to go and ask Percy what was going on but before he could Tantalus announced that chariot races would once again be held at camp. From what Barry could understand from the other campers around him the races were originally canceled do to how dangerous they were. Barry now really did think the bronze bull would have been safer as a camp director then Tantalus. After that all the campers went to the bonfire so and Barry ended up not being able to talk to Percy do to his family wanting to catch up with him. So he decided to just wait till tomorrow.

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