Brothers reunion

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Annabeth: I'll go. With my cap I won't be noticed.

Annabeth believed it was better if she went alone do to her Yankees cap having the ability to make her invisible. Percy disagreed with that plan immediately.

Percy: no it's to dangerous. We ether go together or we don't go at all.

Tyson liked the idea of not going at all.

Barry: whatever idea we go with we need to go with it now otherwise we might start missing some need to know information.

Everyone eventually agreed with Percy's plan to go together. The four of them had also decided that staying another night on the yacht full of monsters wasn't a good idea. So they quickly headed back to the rooms they stayed in the night before to quickly grab their stuff.
After making sure they had everything they came with the quartet of adventurers made their way through the ship. Using the you are here signs and an invisible Annabeth the four managed to make it to the admiralty suite with no trouble. Well almost no trouble.

Annabeth: (whisper shout) hid!

Annabeth while still invisible pushed the three out of the line of sight of the two voices Barry heard coming their way. He didn't know much but Barry could have sworn that one of the two voices that were talking sounded familiar. They also spoke of more monsters arriving on the ship.
The two obviously didn't notice them because they kept on walking. When they were gone Annabeth turned visible again. She then turned to them with shock written on her face.

Annabeth: that was Chris Rodriguez from cabin eleven.

Percy: I somewhat remember him.

Annabeth: he was one of the undetermined campers who got stuck in Hermes cabin because his godly parent didn't claim him.

Barry: that's why his voice sounded familiar.

Percy: but what's another half blood doing here?

Annabeth shook her head and Barry couldn't tell if she knew the answer to that question or not but he had a good idea himself as of why. As the four of them made their way down the corridor Barry couldn't help but think about his own explanation as to Chris being here. That is until the instinctual feeling of evil hit him.

Annabeth: look.

Barry looked down through the glass wall where Annabeth was standing. Down in the midst of the shops on the ship was a group of monsters standing in a semicircle around a guy in Greek armor. The guy was hacking a straw dummy that Barry quickly noticed had on a camp half-blood shirt.

Annabeth: (whisper) cythian dracine.

Barry/Percy: (whisper) what?

Annabeth: (whisper) dragon woman.

Barry quickly realized what was going on and judging by the looks on his friends faces so did they. The guy in Greek armor looked to be teaching the monster how to kill demigods. Before Barry could watch anymore Percy ushered them away.

Barry mind: it's for the best. Got to find Luke anyway.

It didn't take the four long after leaving the glass wall to make it to the double oak door of Luke's room. About thirty feet from the door though Tyson stopped. To Barry and Percy's amazement Tyson could hear people talking inside the room from thirty feet away. What amazed them even more was when the young cyclops began talking in the voices of those in the room. Not an exact copy but pretty dang close.
From what Tyson began repeating it became clear that Luke and the others with him know about Chiron being gone and also the tree. Barry wasn't surprised about the tree part as they all pretty much knew Luke had his hand in that. But Luke already knowing about Chiron being gone didn't sit well with him. Before he could think anymore about it though Percy yelled.

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