To Fast

501 19 2

Luke: funny, that's the name we gave him.

Barry heard his brother but wasn't really paying attention. Instead he found he couldn't take his eyes off the man in blue. Everything about the man's suit was exactly like it was in his dreams. The blue, the silver lightning, and even the angel like symbol on his chest. Quickly Barry ripped his arm free from Pollux's grip and slowly backed up to his friends.

Luke: it took a lot of trial and error but thinks to Kronos's wisdom we finally got him right.

Barry was so confused by what Luke was saying and by the looks from the others he wasn't the only one.

Annabeth: what are you talking about Luke?

Grover: seriously, you're making no sense.

Luke: sure I am, you just don't get it yet.

Luke then turned to Pollux.

Luke: go on, show them.

Pollux flashed Luke a malicious grin before reaching up and pulling back his cawl. Even before he removed the mask Barry had a sinking feeling that he new exactly what was going to be under it. Once the mask was finally removed everyone gasped except for Barry who just stared in disbelief. He was right because staring right back at him was what Barry could only describe as an evil twin. The exact same one from his dream.

Barry: how?

Luke: hahaha I'm not about to tell you that but I will say it's thanks to your blood that it was possible.

Annabeth: the blood from when you cut Barry the last time we were here.

Luke: right as always Annabeth.

It was then that Agrius came up on deck with a full black pegasus. Barry assumed on the orders of Luke but he really didn't know as he was more focused on the carbon copy of himself. But with the appearance of the pegasus Barry knew he needed to start pay better attention.

Luke: well I must be going but don't worry Pollux and the rest of my men will keep you company while I'm gone.

Luke began to walk away from them to his winged horse. Seeing this Barry quickly moved to intercept but Pollux moved faster. Before he could react Pollux shoved his forearm into Barry's chest and sent the young speedster flying back. Barry ended up skidding across the deck of the ship, not stopping till he was just in front of Annabeth and Grover. The two immediately checking on him, making sure he was alright.
Seeing this Luke chuckled before counting to the black pegasus. He didn't get far before the son of Hermes found a blade pointed at his throat. The tip belonged to riptide and was being held by Percy Jackson.

Percy: fight me Luke.

Luke: you can't bait me into a fight Percy.

Percy: what's wrong Luke? Afraid your warriors will see you get whipped?

Luke looked around and saw all eyes on him. As he did Percy knew he had him. Percy needed to buy time for Clarisse to get back to camp. By challenging Luke to a fight Percy knew he'd have to except or risk looking weak in front of everyone. By the look on his face Percy knew that Luke realized this as well. Luke then sighed before immediately whipping out his sword, backbiter, and with amazing speed knocked the tip of riptide's blade away from his throat.

Luke: fine I'll kill you quickly.

Luke pointed his deadly blade at Percy before whistling to one of his men for a shield. At this point Annabeth had left to try and help Percy leaving just Grover to help Barry. None of this registered in his mind though as Barry could only think about one thing. That being getting back up and dealing with his evil twin Pollux. As he tried to get up however Grover stopped him.

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