Speedster makes a deal

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As the four of them stood outside the walls to Hades palace Barry couldn't help but notice the gate. It was a gold gate but that wasn't what had caught his eye. It was the engravings that were on the gate that got his attention. In short the gate was engraved with scenes of death from different time periods. Definitely something that Barry could see the king of the dead liking.

Barry: so is there a doorbell or do we just..........

Before Barry could finish the gate opened allowing them to walk in. When they walked through the gate they found themselves in a weird garden. The place was made up of different kind of multi colored plants that could survive without sunlight. There were precious jewels instead of flowers. Then in the center of the garden was an orchard on pomegranate trees.

Barry: didn't expect a place like this to be down here. It's kinda beautiful in its own way.

Annabeth: the garden of Persephone. Keep moving.

Not arguing Barry and the others did. The four of them made there way into the palace. The place had a polished bronze floor, no ceiling, and every door to the place was guarded by a soldier that had passed away. The four continued to walk until they reached a pair of giant door that were being guarded by two Marines.

Grover: you know I bet Hades never has to worry about door to door salesman.

Barry couldn't help but laugh a little bit at what Grover said. Then the doors swung open and the guards stepped aside to let the four in. Barry stopped laughing and walked in with the others. When he did what he saw sitting on a throne made of bones was......Hades?

Barry: you're Hades?

Hades: I am! Is there a problem demigod?

Barry: well it's just that you look exactly like I thought you would.

Hades: you sound upset by that?

Barry: well what I thought you would look like was the Hollywood depiction of yourself and that's what I got. I was hoping you'd look different though.

Hades: enough of this foolish talk! You were brave to come here after what you did.

Percy: Lord uncle I have come with two requests.

Hades: only two requests?

Barry: oh no.

It was at that point when things began to go down hill. Percy began talking about how they needed to avoid a war and that Hades should return Zeus's lighting bolt. That didn't go over well with Hades. Who would have thought that ruler of the underworld would have taken being accused of being a thief badly.
Hades then began to talk about how he to didn't want or even need war. Apparently he was doing pretty good without it. Barry thought that he could have just said so. He really didn't need to call out his armed skeletons to prove it.
It was then revealed that Hades's helm of darkness was also stolen. By the looks on everyone else's faces Barry could tell that it was new information to them. Thinking fast Barry figured out that they all were played. But by who?

Barry: so you're saying that you're helmet of shadows was stolen at the same time as the glowstick of destiny?

Hades: helm of darkness and yes.

Barry: why didn't you say anything?

Hades: it's not like my brother would have done something even if he knew.

Barry: your brother Zeus?

Hades: yes that idiot!

Barry: it honestly sounds like everyone has been played in order to start a war. Weapons taken from two brothers that hate each other. Three brothers blaming the others for what happened. Who ever is doing this doesn't want to be known and instead hopes that Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades just get sick of one another and fight. At least that's what it looks like to me.

Annabeth: but who would do that?

Barry: I don't know but I bet Ares might have a good idea.

Percy: but Hades has the lightning bolt doesn't he?

Hades was getting tired of being blamed for taking the bolt. He told Percy to check his bag. There inside was what they were looking for this hole time. This only help reinforced to Barry that Ares might know something.
After that it became obvious that Hades wasn't going to listen to reason. Now all he wanted was the bolt. He even brought out Percy's mom. Probably to give Percy an incentive to give him the bolt. At least that's what Barry thought. It didn't matter though because as soon as Barry saw the innocent woman he knew he had to do something.
As Barry was thinking so was Percy. That is until Hades jumped in again. Hades made Percy reveal something that he had. It looked like four blue marbles. Listening closely Barry got the gist of what they did. Knowing that Barry was able to come up with a plain. Using his speed Barry took the lightning bolt from the backpack.

Barry: if you want the lightning bolt then let the woman go.

This action caught everyone off guard, even Hades.

Annabeth: Barry what do you think your doing!?!

Barry: saving an innocent woman.

Hades: hand over the bolt and I will release her.

Barry: release her and I'll hand over the bolt.

Hades: and why should I trust you? You could just leave with the woman and the bolt once I release her.

Barry: there's only four of those marble things meaning one person will have to stay behind. I'll stay with the bolt as they leave and then give it to you once there gone.

Hades said nothing and instead just thought for a moment. Then all of a sudden he snapped his fingers and Percy's mom was let go. While the reunion between the two was nice it was short lived.

Barry: you guys need to get out of here.

Percy: without the bolt though we can't stop the war.

Barry: I'm sure you'll think of something.

Barry stood in front of the four with his back towards Hades as they smashed the Marbles. At first nothing happened but then a bubble formed around each of them and they shot up threw the ceiling of the underworld. Now it was just Barry, Hades, and some undead soldiers.

Hades: now boy give me the bolt.

Barry turned to face Hades. When he did Hades's anger began to grow.

Hades: the master bolt what have you done with it!?!

Barry: while my back was to you I used my speed to put the bolt back in the bag as that bubble thing was forming.

Hades was now fuming with rage.

Hades: I'm going to personally make you suffer for all of eternity!

Barry: that's if you can catch me first.

Barry gave Hades a smirk as lightning blue electricity danced through his eyes.

Demi-Speedster Where stories live. Discover now