Hippocampus sea travel

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No matter how hard he tried rest continued to elude Barry. As he laid with his eyes closed it felt like his body only continued to move. Now that he thought about it, it also felt like his entire body was wet too.

Barry mind: are those arms I feel around me?

Finally Barry began to force his eyes open. When he did the sight of endless ocean was the only thing to greet him. Barry ended up somewhat thrashing a little bit at the sight.

Barry: what the!?!

???: you're finally awake!

That brought Barry back from his freak out as he recognized the voice talking to him. Barry then immediately remembered the feeling of arms around his chest. Looking back he saw the face of the worlds friendliest cyclops.

Barry: Tyson?

Tyson then began to hug Barry harder in happiness and relief.

Tyson: you're ok!

Barry immediately felt as if the life was going to be squeezed out of him by the happy Tyson.

Barry: ok buddy ok. What happened?

Tyson's hold on Barry loosened at the question as Tyson began to think.

Tyson: ship engine blew, then thrown from the ship. After that I found you floating in the water and knew I had to help my friend.

Barry hearing that patted Tyson's arm.

Barry: thanks buddy.

Tyson then squeezed Barry tighter again. This time though it wasn't as bad. Tyson then began to speak in a sad tone.

Tyson: couldn't find Percy or Annabeth.

Hearing how sad he was Barry patted Tyson's arm again.

Barry: don't worry big guy I'm sure their fine. Remember your brother is the son of Poseidon so the ocean is like his playground. And Annabeth is like freaky smart. I'm sure those two are just fine.

Tyson: really?

Barry could hear the glimmer of hope in Tyson's voice.

Barry: oh yeah, heck those two are probably together right now waiting for us slow pokes to catch up.

Tyson laughed a little, Barry just wished that he could feel hopeful too. If he was being honest with himself Barry was really worried about Annabeth and Percy.

Barry mind: please be alright guys.

Then someone else's face popped into Barry's head.

Barry mind: you to Clarisse.

Barry and Tyson continued to float out in the middle of the ocean. The more they stayed out there the more Barry knew their chances of survival lessened. The problem was there really wasn't much he could do. Barry could always try swimming at super-speed but where would that leave Tyson. No Barry needed to come up with something that could help both of them.
As Barry was thinking something out of the corner of his eye got the speedster's attention. There floating past him was a wooden board. It didn't take long for Barry to realize the the board was once apparent of the CSS Birmingham. Looking around he noticed even more wreckage from the ship and that's when Barry had a plan.
Barry began swimming around collecting peaces of the wreckage that they could use. He would then take that wreckage to Tyson and have the young cyclops make sure the peace's get stuck together. After a while they now had a raft, it wasn't massive but it was of decent size.

Barry mind: now Tyson can ride on the raft while I use my legs and kick a super-speed to propel us forward.

Right before Barry was going to tell Tyson about his plan he was beaten by the cyclops laughter. Confused Barry looked over at Tyson only to see the guy playing with a hippocampus. Looking Closer Barry believed he knew which hippocampus it actually was.

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