The talk

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One second Barry was chained up in Luke's makeshift dungeon aboard the Princess Andromeda. Next thing he knew the man in yellow was carting him away. Now he was being thrown to the ground in the middle of the woods.

Barry: thinks for being gentle with me.

Man in yellow: you should count yourself lucky that I would even rescue you at all.

Barry: speaking of which.

Man in yellow: don't bother asking Barry because that's need to know information.

Barry: I know and trust me I need to know why my mother's murder would come to my rescue!

Man in yellow: be content with the fact that you boy are of more use to me alive then dead.

Barry: aren't I special.

The man in yellow at super speed went over to Barry and kneeled so that they were face to face with one other.

Man in yellow: yes Barry you are special, very special. In fact without you there wouldn't be me.

Barry immediately had a look of utter confusion at the man in yellow's words. How he wouldn't be anything if it wasn't for Barry made no sense. But Barry's confusion was immediately overshadowed by rage.

Barry: if that's the case then I wish it would have been me who died that way you wouldn't be around.

The man in yellow smirked at him before beginning to vibrate his had and placing it directly in front of Barry's heart.

Man in yellow: carful what you say Barry because some things can be arranged.

Barry looked down at the man in yellow's hand before looking him dead in the eyes with a smirk of his own.

Barry: do it then. After you can try and figure out how to accomplish what you need without me.

The smirk on the man in yellow's face was instantly replaced by a scowl. When it did Barry's smirk only became more prominent.

Barry: you already told me that I was more use to you alive remember.

The man in yellow then used his vibrating grabbed hand to reach up and grab Barry just under the chin. At first Barry thought he might have over played his hand and was about to be choked to death. He quickly realized that wasn't the case when the man in yellow pulled him closer. In response Barry glared at him.

Man in yellow: there are ways to take care of you Barry that are far worse than death.

Barry didn't back down though and only smirked at the man in yellow again.

Barry: for some reason I don't believe you.

Man in yellow: you should.

At speeds that were blindingly fast even to Barry, the man in yellow stood and kicked him hard in the ribs. The kick itself was so fast that before he could even register his ribs cracking Barry was sailing across the ground. He came to an immediate stop when the man in yellow kicked Barry in his other side. The pain was so bad that Barry almost didn't register getting grabbed by the shirt. He honestly wished he hadn't registered anything when the super speed punch came and broke his nose. Now all Barry could do is lay there, face covered in blood, and both of his sides throbbing in pain.

Man in yellow: now Barry I want you to remember this pain then remember that I was taking it very easy on you.

Barry: (between gasps of air and a clinched jaw) I'm going to kill you.

Man in yellow: sorry Barry but you got to catch me first.........

The man in yellow turned and walked a short ways away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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