Back to the Andromeda

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There was nothing but pitch black darkness for miles around. In the middle of the darkness on his hands and knees looking exhausted was Barry. He was sweating like crazy and no matter how hard he tried the young speedster just couldn't catch his breath. That's when the sound of foot steps began to echo in the darkness.

???: you never learn do you Barry? Even with all your powers you're still not cut out for the hero gig.

It would have been hard, no impossible for Barry not to recognize the voice of the person talking to him. A pair of blue boots with silver lightning bolts circling the tops stopped right in front of him. Seeing them Barry looked up and immediately saw that he was correct about who the voice belonged to.

???: no matter how fast you are, you're just never fast enough are you Bar?

The man clad in blue and silver bent down and now Barry was eye to eye with a carbon copy of himself. No it wasn't a carbon copy, the guy Barry was looking at was evil. His features may not have actual looked it but he had a gleam in his eye and an aura that just screamed bad.

Barry: Pollux.

Barry watched as his copy in blue looked slightly confused.

Barry: Pollux is your name isn't it? That's what you called yourself last time.

Pollux: is it? To be honest I didn't even know we met before.

That's when Barry started to remember last time he had seen himself, or had seen Pollux. That's when he remembered that it had been a dream. Then he realized that it must be a dream now as well.

Barry: I'm dreaming again.

Pollux: are you now?

Barry: yes I am. You're not real, you weren't last time and you aren't NOW!

Barry said that last part with a more commanding tone. In response to this Pollux with his super-speed, choke slammed Barry to the ground. He then began making a tsk tsk sound while wagging his finger back and forth.

Pollux: I'd be careful how you talk to people if I were you Barry.

Pollux then grabbed Barry by the throat and began to squeeze. Tired and gasping for air all Barry could do was grab Polluxs' wrist and attempt to pull him off. Unfortunately it was all for not as Barry was to weak at the moment to do anything.

Pollux: quit struggling Barry and just wake up.

This caught Barry off guard and he stopped struggling like Pollux said. Only it was more out of confusion that Barry stopped fighting back. That didn't seem to stop Pollux though, he obviously didn't care.

Pollux: that's better, now wake. Wake up Barry!

Barry's vision of Pollux slowly began to fade until he was once again alone in the dark void. Pollux voice though hadn't faded away, instead it continued to tell him that he needed to wake up. That's when Barry noticed that when Pollux spoke it was a little different. As if it was changing, and after a few minutes Barry could tell that it was indeed. Soon enough it wasn't even Pollux speaking to him anymore.

???: come on Barry! It's time to get up loser!

The voice was no longer male like his but female and familiar. The female voice carried a sense of power and confidence with it, a confidence that Barry recognized instantly. Soon the darkness that he was in began to fade as a distant light began to pierce the void. Soon Barry blinked his eyes open and was met by a world of blur.

???: it's about time you woke up!

With his vision starting to clear Barry looked up and saw that he was riding on the back of a hippocampus with Clarisse. This confused him as the last thing Barry could remember he was on Percy's pirate ship. The ship he was on was also not to far from the shore of the island that the Golden Fleece was on. Now he seemed to be not to far from a heavily populated beach.

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